Stupid Boat

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Elvira POV

—A big ass hole in the side of the boat. Are you shitting me right now!?

"Oh, fuck me." I mumble angrily.

"We've gotta patch this tonight before—" Darius starts, "The boat sinks." Kenji finished. 

"Thanks for the clarification." Yasmina sarcastically says.

"Let's hurry. It's getting dark and the dogs rolling in. Let's split up to cover more ground." Darius says.

"Have you never seen a horror movie, Darius? You're not supposed to split up." I tell him.

"Then let's go!" Yasmina says.


"Game on..." I hear Kenji whisper.

"What game is on?" I ask him.

"Ah! You have to stop doing that!" He yells at me.

"Sorry.."I smile at him, "What were you whispering about?"

"Brooklynn thinks I'm going to scare them in the dark. So, game on." He tells me.

"Oh, okay." I say, continuing to walk down the path,

"Hey, Elv?" He asks me, I hum, "What do you miss most about home? I know you said you only have Peter and May, but what else do you miss?"

"I definitely miss them most," I smile at the thought of them, "I miss training. I'm really good with weapons, and I still train here, but it's not the same, so I miss just messing with them. I miss telling jokes to Peter, and our late night talks about anything and everything. I miss my phone, listening to music, and reading. Why?"

"I was just wondering," he tells me, "Hey, you'll be able to do all that stuff again once we get this boat patched up." He nudges me, "And your always welcome at my place, Peter can come, too." He smiles at me

"Thanks, Kenj. That means a lot to me." I hug him. I don't particularly like being touched unless I'm close with the person, and I'm not that close to anyone here except Kenji. 

"Anytime," he tells me, we go into a peaceful silence, which is odd because I hate silence when I'm with people. Kenji breaks the silence by saying, "Brooklynn? Darius? Whatever your plotting, it's not gonna work." He swings at random objects.

"What the hell are you doing?" I laugh at his movements.

"They're trying to prank me. I know it." He looks around, as if waiting for them to pop out and scare him—us—.

"Can't scare me if you can't find me." he whispers, climbing up and bringing me with him.

"We can't hide, Kenji, we need to help the others look." I tell him.

"No, no, I think we can hide." He tells me, jokingly.

"Cmon, I think it's this way." We hear Darius whisper, Kenji jumps down and starts walking.

"No one pranks Captain K." He says.

"What about me?" I joke

"No one pranks captain K, or co-captain E." He adjusts his sentence, making me laugh and follow him.

"Guys! Truce? Nice try with the scary noises and all, but—" he gets cut off by a crate dragging past us.

"'s over. Who's out there?" He says, a dinosaur scaring us from behind.

"Ah! Fucking shit! What in the bloody hell?" I yell, running with Kenji as he grabbed my hand.

We run in between crates to get away from the dinosaur, but it still follows us. Kenji falls, taking me with him, Kenji kicks at the dinosaur while I grab my knife.

"Stupid fucking dinosaur." I grumble, stabbing it's face when it tosses Kenji aside. Apparently, a stab wound wasn't enough, and it continues to go after Kenji. Fortunately, a—crow bar? Lands on the dinosaur head, distracting it long enough for us to run away.

"Kenji! Elvira!" A voice whisper shouts, "where are the others?" We look up, seeing Yasmina standing on a crate

"I don't know." Kenji replies, trying to get in the crate with her.

"Kenji?" Yasmina says from beside me, having jumped off the crate.

"Get down here, dingus!" She says, while I'm practically on the floor from laughter.

"Not funny." Kenji pouts at me.

"That was hilarious, actually." I smile, still laughing.

"Enough!" Yasmina whispers shouts at us.

Mamas mad.

We hear a noise and start running. Well, Kenji ran, me and Yasmina followed behind.

"Kenji! Your okay!" Brooklynn yells, watching Kenji fall on top of Darius.

"Darius broke my fall!" He says.

I don't think...

"Get off of him before you break his ribs." Me and Yasmina pull Kenji off Darius.

"Thanks bro." Kenji pats Darius's back.

"No problem..." Darius strains.

"Wait, where's Sammy?" Yasmina asks.

"I haven't seen her since we were looking at the boat." I tell her.

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