Why Couldn't You Have Just Used A Condom?!

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Elvira POV

"You guys have every right to be mad at me." Kenji looks down.

I mean, yeah.

"Ya think?" Yaz puts her arms on her sides.

"Thanks for the permission." Brooklynn glares.

"Trust me, I get it. He messed up." Ben speaks up.

"Oh, is that what we're calling it?" Yaz raises a brow at us.

"Listen, Kenji messed up, but he helped Ben and I get Blue and Bumpy back, and that's a step in the right direction." I put my hand on the boys shoulder. I was still mad, but I'm not a monster.

"Kenji betrayed us. He disappointed us. He practically left us for dead—" I cut Ben off, "Are you even trying to help?"

Kenji clears his throat.

"—but, he knows it was a mistake. He helped save Bumpy and Blue, and in my eyes, that's enough for a second chance. Plus, considering what and who were up against, were gonna need all the help we can get." Ben puts his hand on Kenji's other shoulder, and we watch as Darius sighs and walks off.

"I-I know there's not much, or anything, I can say that will make everything right again, I am so, so sorry. I had this idea of who my dad was, or who I wanted him to be. I kept telling myself that he's not a bad guy," Kenji fake laughs, "turns out I was wrong. Me, wrong. Shocking, I know."

"Awesome, k, now that that's settled—" Sammy cuts me off by running over and hugging Kenji.

"Aw, oh, I have so much to tell you! First, I have a new catchfrase, and it is controveseeull. Next, I changed my mind about the best day of the week. It's Tuesday. Oh, also, I have a girlfriend now!" Sammy smiles wildly.

"Wait, what?" Kenji pulls away, confusion plastered across his face, making me laugh.

"It's me. I'm the girlfriend." Yaz pulls Sammy into her side. "Welcome back, Kenj."

Kenji pulls them both into his arms, laughing. "Finally! Sammy and Yaz! Oh! We should call you-"

"You're too late. I already have them a cool couple name." Brooklynn crosses her arms, making Kenji pout and turn to Darius, walking over to him.

"If your dads get over here, it's war." Darius looks between Kenji and I, but mainly Kenji.

"You're right. He won't stop until he gets that password." Kenji confirms.

I cross my arms over my chest, "Neither will mine. I don't know about Daniel, but my dad will take drastic measures to get what he wants, and he doesn't care who he hurts in the process." 

"Even you?" Sammy asks me, making me scoff.

"Even me. He doesn't give a shit." I roll my eyes.

"Oh..." Sammy looks down, quickly changing the subject, "I hope it's enough to stop them. Cus if they make those chips, every dinosaur in the world could fall under his control."

"We're not gonna let that happen, Sammy." Darius reassures, but a large banging sounds out from the airlock, making us look towards it.

"We're good, right? They're stuck?" Brooklynn asks.

"I can handle it if they get through." I tighten the straps on my backpack.

We start to run as a familiar roar sounds out.

"Is he using...?" Darius trails off. (That's so funny without context.)

"Toro." Kenji glares at the door as the break through, and we continue running.

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