I'll Be Fine

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Brooklynn and Kenji sat on either side of an unconscious Elvira. She was whimpering in her sleep and they had no idea what to do. They already covered Sammy, who was whimpering about her cow. Kenji had to pretend to be a cow. And, apparently, both girls really liked cuddling Kenji in their sleep, because Elvira cuddled into Kenji, whimpering still.


"Please, don't." The girl mumbles, face pressed into Kenji's chest. (Hey that rhymed)

"What?..." Kenji whispers, rubbing the girls back. 

The truth was, Elvira had dealt with nightmares since that gloomy night so many years ago. The nightmares come and go, occasionally being triggered by different things. She had nightmares about her family, that night they died, the island and its inhabitants, she had nightmares about the people she cares about hurting her, and she's had nightmares about people that have hurt her. 

"Please, I'm just a kid, please, stop." Elvira cries, clinging to Kenji's shirt.


Elvira has had nightmares about bad things that have happened to her for a long time. She has a nightmare and is mumbling about the torture she went through, she seeks Kenji for comfort, even in her sleep.

"Hey, it's okay. We won't hurt you," Kenji mumbles to the still unconscious girl, turning to look at Brooklynn, "won't hurt you."

The girl wakes up, panting.

"Holy shit." She pants, tears still dripping from her sweat covered face.

"Are you okay?" Brooklynn asks, tentatively.

Elvira's head snaps towards the girl, "No, yeah, I'm fine," She wipes the tears from her eyes, "Just, uh, just a nightmare. I get em' all the time, nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure? That seemed like something you should worry about. What was it about, if you don't mind me asking?" Brooklynn asks.

"Um, well-" she cuts herself off, looking at Kenji, who nods, "You can trust her, Elv."


Elvira sighs, "I know you already know this, but my parents died and siblings died in a shooting when I was twelve. My family were assholes most of the time but I still loved them, even though they caused me a lot of problems and were another reason I was in therapy, but anyway, the people that killed them were, obviously,  assholes, and they did some stuff to me. I was sent to my aunts, but she became abusive, and started drinking. I started training to be a great fighter, which I succeeded in, but she thought I was crazy, and sent me to therapy for that and some other shit that went down but we can talk about that another time. She kicked me out two days before I was sent here, and I was staying at my best friends, Peter, and his aunt, May's, house. And, uh, yeah. I think that's it, any questions?" She looks at Brooklynn, whose mouth was agape.

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