Of Fucking Course There's Another Hybrid

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Elvira POV

"Hey, are you okay, Darius?" I say, standing next to darius, who was looking at a photo.

"I—" Darius gets cut off by Kenji, 

"I know we've still got another twelve hours till the patch on the boat is ship-shape, but it seems totes dry to me. I really wanted to pick to make sure, but I didn't. Restraint, yo." Kenji climbs up the latter, then sits and props his feet up on the table.

"Please don't say 'totes', it makes me think of May trying to act cool." I cringe, thinking back to the time when she said that because she thought that's what people our age did. I miss her and Peter so much. Hell, I even miss MJ and Ned, even though we didn't talk much.

"Ookayy," Kenji drags out the word, "hey man, What's wrong?" He looks to Darius. 

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. I always meant to check out a...Gallimimus for my...book. But, never got around to it." Darius replies, picking up stuff around the the treehouse.

"Go now. Brooklynn and Sammy are off investigating a mystery, Yaz is on a run, and Ben's probably being somewhere being weird." Kenji tells him.

"Nah, I gotta get the supplies collected for the trip to Costa Rica." Darius picks up a can.

"I'll do it." Kenji shrugs.

"You...?" Darius responds, skeptically. I mean, do you blame him? "There's a lot to do, and—"

"Like I always say, the more to do, the more iIgot this." Kenji puts his hand on Darius's shoulder. Yeah, I've never heard him say that.

"Never heard you say that, but if you're sure." Darius replies.

"Dude! Positive. Go find your galilio." Kenji says.

"That's not—" Darius cuts me off, "awesome!" He shoves his bag in Kenji hands, "Thanks for being such a team player, Kenj. Um, make sure you pack everything we need; food, water, and, uh, I'll be on channel six in case of emergency! Wanna come with, Vir?"

"Yeah, sure. Let me grab my backpack!" I call after Darius, who was already in the woods, grabbing my backpack and going with him.

"Be safe!" Kenji yells after me.

"I will! Be safe, don't die! don't do anything I wouldn't do! And get everything Darius told you to do, done!" I yell to Kenji.


"Damnit, Kenji!" I scoff. A gallimimus had just approached me and Darius, and we had hardly gotten to feed it before Kenji scared it away with the walkie talki. It wasn't even for anything important! And this is the second time today! This means a lot to Darius, and he's still so young. I just want him to be happy before we leave, he deserves it. 

"D—Darius? Dariusaurus? D-man?" Kenji calls over the walki.

"Just ignore it, D." I tell him.

He sighs and mumbles, "Should've known this was a bad idea."

"Hey, no. You do a lot for us and it's time you get something for yourself." I clasp his shoulder.

He scoffs and raises a brow, "And what about you? Hmm?"

I furrow my brows, "What about me?"

He scoffs again, "You do a lot for us, too. You constantly fight dinosaur after dinosaur for us. You help us whenever we need anything, and overall, you're like an older sister for everyone here. You listen to us talk about anything and everything without judging, and you never say a thing about yourself or your problems."

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