Stranded Again

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Elvira POV

I groan, waking up with a pounding headache and a damp, freezing body. I look around at our surroundings, which was a cold (or maybe that was because of the water) dark, stormy beach.

"Is everyone okay?" Darius asks.

I hum, "What's your definition of okay?"

They ignore me. Rude.

"Okay, now this has to be a dream." Sammy stands up. 

"This...doesn't look like Costa Rica." Brooklynn stands up. 

"Definitely not Costa Rica..." I mumble, trying to stand up. Key word, trying. My legs were incredibly wobbly, like after good sex wobbly. Kenji notices my struggle, and pulls me up, letting me lean on him, "Thanks." 

"Maybe we can take shelter in there?" Ben points to a cave.

"Maybe we shouldn't..." Sammy whimpers, hugging herself. 

"Only one way to find out." Darius walks inside, beckoning us to follow him.

"If I get eaten by a bear after surviving a dinosaur island, I'm going to be pissed." I speak.

"There's no bears here. It's not their kind of habitat." Darius says.

I squint my eyes, "We—are you joking? We were literally just on an island filled with dinosaurs, and you're trying to tell me that there can't be bears here?" 

He sighs, "It's unlikely."

I tsk, "But not impossible."


It was the next morning, and we were trying to figure out where to go from here. Kenji puts a hand on mine and Darius's face.

"Kenji? What're you doing?" Darius asks, his voice muffled.

"Making sure we're not dead, cus if we're dead we'd be ghosts, and if we're ghost, I'd be able to, like," he makes "ghost" noises, "go through you."

"We're not dead." Darius slaps Kenji's hand off him, walking forward.

"Well now ya know. You're welcome." Kenji replies.

"Kenji." I speak.

"Yeah?" He responds.

"Get your hand off of my face before I break it." I threaten.

His eyes widen and he retracts it immediately, "Sorry..."

"So, we know where we aren't, any idea where we are?" Brooklynn asks.

"Nope, just that we're stranded...and alone...again." Yaz throws a rock.

"I'm starting to think Peter calling me a black cat is becoming true." I mumble. I don't actually believe black cats are bad luck, I personally think they're good luck, which is why witches have them. That, and they're cute.

"Guys! Look at that! Over there, in the distance, something shiny!" Ben points out into the desert. 

"I see it!" Yaz says.

"Looks like the suns glinting off some metal thingy?" Sammy says.

"Which means someone would have had to make it! We've gotta go check it out." Ben tells us.

"Hang on, you wanna go walking across a blazing hot desert just because you saw something...shiny?" Kenji asks him.

"We have no idea what's out there." Darius agrees.

"That might be a death wish. We could die from dehydration, any animal that might be out here, any human that might be out here." I point out.

"But we could also be saved by humans out here, if there are any." Ben says.

I sigh, "Do you really wanna risk it?"

"Oh, my sweet, frightened children, so we're not in "Costa Rica, and we don't know "we're we are" and we have "no hope" we didn't know how we were gonna survive on nublar, and yet, we Did, by sheer will, determination, and teamwork, there aren't even dinosaurs here! So, logically, this should be easier. So, let's go out there, and ya know, survive!" Ben encourages.

I breath out, "Nice speech, Steve Rogers, but I still think this is a horrible idea." 

Everyone sighs, "Why not."

"We can atleast try." 

"This is a horrible idea."

"This whole place is weird. It's like another planet or something. Maybe we were abducted by aliens." Kenji nudges my shoulder.

I laugh, "I mean, at this point, it wouldn't surprise me." 

"Because that makes perfect sense." Brooklynn chimes in, overhearing us. 

"Cus dinosaurs went enough. Now we're washed up on some deserted island." Yaz grumbles.

"Hey, at's a" Ben try's making us feel better. Bless him.

"At least...there aren't any mosquitoes here." Sammy puts in.

" least...we aren't being tortured for eternity by vampires." Yaz suggests.

I think for a moment, "at least we aren't being kidnapped and tortured right now." 

"Hey, I got one, at's like the beach...but with no ocean." Kenji says.

"Oo, that's a good one." Sammy replies.

"Eh, needs more vampires." Yaz says.

We continue walking for some time, still playing the "at least" game.

"At least we aren't being tortured by demons in a fiery pit" Yaz moans, hardly walking anymore. 

"Are you sure about that?" Brooklynn retorts.

I mean, she wasn't wrong. It's hot, we're tired and aching, and we're all sad. I start feeling a breeze, stopping to relish in it. I'm so close to stripping right now. I know I could put on cooler clothes, but then I'd be less protected against anything bad.

"Oh, that's nice..." I sigh, closing my eyes and feeling the wind hit my aching muscles.

"A sand storm!?" Brooklynn interrupts my peace, my eyes snapping open.


"What do we do?" Sammy says.

"Uh, I don't know, maybe run!?" I yell, watching the storm come closer.

"We need to find cover! We always outran those pesky storms on nublar! Run!" Ben shouts, the clouds overtaking our vision.

"Where is everyone?!" Kenji calls.

"I don't know! I can hardly—" I bump into someone.

"Who—?" The person asks, making me realize it was Kenji.

"It's me!" I grab into him.

"Elvira?" He pulls me into a hug, letting me go, but still keeping me close to him.

"We need to—" I get cut off by falling, "Shit!" I yell, hitting my head on the rocks.

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