Oh Come On!

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Elvira POV

It was the stupid fucking Scorpius. 

"Uh, kenj?..." I whisper to the boy standing beside me.

"Yeah?..." He whispers back, eyes wide and staring at the red eyed, black quilled monster.

I gulp, eyes never leaving the beast, "Start the boat. We'll come back later when it's safe."

"Yep, yeah. Got it." He runs towards the captain's pit thing and we set sail.

                                                                             Two Hours Later 

If you didn't say that in the SpongeBob voice there's something wrong with you.

We were walking through the woods now. When we docked we saw the limo crashed against a tree, and footsteps tumbling out of it. So now we were on the hunt for Ben and Darius. Also, some of us made a friend along the way.

"She's looking for her herd..." Sammy mumbles to Kenji. Brooklynn, Sammy, and yaz were petting the baby Dino we ran into. Kenji was trying to convince them not to, and I...I wasn't sure what to do.

"So what? Why should we care what happens to the Dinosaurs?" Kenji throws his arms up.

"Kenji, not all of them are bad." I speak.

"Be-because life...it's...worth protecting." Brooklynn sighs, "The scorpious was never supposed to be out here. That's why Dr. Wu froze it."

"Okay, yeah. Obvi, The Scorpius thing is bad, but it's not our responsibility. Wu and the people who made it should of thought of the consequences before they gene spiced a bunch of rando lizards together!" He rambles.

"Yeah but there's not-" 

"We need to focus on finding Darius and Ben! In and out. And then finally, we escape this nightmare island!" Kenji rants. 

The dinosaur starts making a Weird noise.

"Uh, what is it doing? Is it like a cat? Is it gonna hairball in a second?" I look at the dinosaur.

"It doesn't have hair, Elvira." Yaz deadpans.

I raise my hands into a surrender position, "My bad."

"Cmon, give it a pet." Sammy grabs my hands.

"It's gonna throw up on me." I warily look at the thing.

"No it won't." Sammy tries convincing me.

I start petting the dinosaur. "It's skin feels...so...weird."

"There. Was that so bad?" Sammy smiles at me when I playfully glare at her, taking my hands off the dinosaur.

"You should name it." I smile at the girl, knowing how she loves naming the dinosaurs we find.

"Ooo! You're right!" She exclaims, mumbling a string of different names, "Ivy, Angel, Biggie, Lily, Lola—ooo, Lola!"

"Lola it is?" I question the girl.

She hums, "Yep!"

"Welcome to camp fam, lola!" I make fun of the name Sammy had given us so long ago. I smile at the dinosaur, who was still growling.

Kenji starts making the noise the Dinosaur is.

"Uh, Kenji, what are you doing?" I ask him.

Everyone else starts doing the same thing.

Into The Jungle (Camp Cretaceous x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now