I'm Not Really A Good Swimmer

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Elvira POV

We finally got off the island.

"See ya never! Stupid Dino Island! You thought you could eat us? Think again!" Kenji yells.

"You thought you could crush our spirits? Impossible!" Sammy buts in. Her and Kenji high five. 

"To be fair, the island did crush my spirit, but then, I defeated toro!" Ben says, everyone groans.

"Bumpy likes when I tell it." He mumbles as he looks at her and blue howling to us as we sail away.

"Um, guys?" Brooklynn says, seeing a huge wave coming towards us.

"Is it a bad time to mention I'm not a great swimmer?" I ask.

"Yes!" Kenji tells me, voice full of sarcasm.

"Secure the vines!" Brooklynn yells.

"How!?" Yasmina yells back.

"Uh—I don't know? Pull on them?" Brooklynn says.

"You said you had raft experience?!" Yasmina shouts.

"I said I had some raft experience—SOME!" Brooklynn yells.

"Oh, so only some of us will die." Yasmina yells back sarcastically. Her and Brooklynn are still on somewhat bad terms. 

"If you don't shut up so help me God I'm going to drown you!" I yell at them.

Brooklyn sighs, "the winds strong, we can power thro—" she gets cut off by the sail, flying away. How ironic.

"Shit, fuck! Mother of—" I scream as the waves crash over us

We where sitting back at our treehouse, sopping wet from our little ocean adventure, trying to find out ways to get of this damn island.

"Where can we find a sail that we haven't looked already?" Darius asks

"It's a shame we can't go to look out point and glide all the way to Costa Rica." Kenji says, motioning with his hand.

"What's lookout point?" Darius asks him.

"Oh, I used to go there all the time, they have, like, hang gliders and stuff, it's like a whole ordeal, or whatever." Kenji says.

"Wait, hangliders...as in pieces of material literally made to catch wind!" Darius says. Him and Brooklynn high fiving.

"Hey! We could use those to make a sail!" Kenji says.

"You're a genius, Kenj." I say, ruffling his hair. He just smiles at me.


I walk with Ben, Darius, bumpy, and blue.

"So," Darius starts, "hows it goin? Like, goin goin"

"Why are you asking me this?" Ben squints his eyes at Darius, " is it Kenji? Because if he's pranking me-" Ben slams a stick at the ground.

"No! No ones pranking you, Ben." Darius interrupts bens rant, "aggressive..." he mumbles.

"Always." Ben replies.

"I just—look, you were acting weird earlier, and I wanted to see if you were okay." Darius tells Ben.

"It's nothing," Ben says, "I'll be fine."

Darius gasps, "There it is..." he strains, "You'll be fine, which means your not fine. Right now." He points to the ground.

"Ooo, he caught you." I sing, laying against blues stomach, who was also laying down.

"Oh, you too, young lady, you've been acting odd, too." Darius says.

"Did—did you just call me young lady? I'm five years older than you!" I say.

"So?" He replies.

"I will sick my raptor on you." I jokingly threaten, smiling.

Darius fake gasps, "you.wouldn't.dare." He squints his eyes.

"Oh, but I would." I smile.

"An—anyway—," Darius tries to get back on track, getting cut off by rustling.

"We should move, just to be safe." Ben says, grabbing his leaves.

"And then you'll tell me what's wrong?" Darius says.

"Shh!" Ben shushes.

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