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Elvira POV

"They can swim!?" Sammy yells as the dinosaurs we were previously running from followed us into the water.

"Of course they can swim!" I yell, "Just our fucking luck."

The dinosaurs rammed into the side of the boat, causing us to fall over. Darius runs and grabs some fireworks, handing them to everyone but me and Kenji. Kenji because he was driving and me because, well, there wasn't enough. With the help of Blue and Bumpy, the fireworks drive the dinosaurs away, making everyone cheer.

"Stupid fucking dinosaurs. I don't even know what it's name is." I mumble, everyone heard me, though.

"Oh! I named them Julie and Alice!" Sammy smiles towards everyone.

"No, I meant—okay" I cut myself off, smiling at her.


"Hurry up, Darius! The engines off and we're gonna get swept out to sea or smashed into the rocks!" Kenji yells down to Darius, who was patching the hole in the boat.

"Alright, pull me up!" Darius yells after a second of silence, "We've gotta fix that hole. The gas is the least of our problems."

"I thought having no GPS was the least of our problems." Kenji replies

"Yeah, and, uh, not to add to the whole doom and gloom, but—" Yasmina pauses as the boat rocks, "pretty sure we're also sinking."

"Well that's just lovely, isn't it?" I say, voice laced with sarcasm. They know it's not toward them, it's toward this whole situation. As if I wasn't unstable enough before.

"Nah. We're just riding low in the water cus of, uh," Kenji clears his throat, looking over to Ben, Bumpy, and Blue.

"Don't listen to him, your prefect the way you are." Ben whispers to Bumpy.

"Yeah, and Blue doesn't even weigh that much." I speak.

"I-isn't there some non-Dino infested dock we can get to?" Ben asks.

"Doubt it."

"The closet one is on the other side of the island. We'll never make it. We're doomed and gloomed." Brooklyn  says

"Wait! Hold up! There is another dock not far from here. A private dock not any map. The dock near the P house." Kenji says, looking over the edge of the boat. While everyone looks at him oddly, I just smile at him. He told me about that place way before we got the boat.

"...I went before we left." Ben says after a moment of silence.

"No not the—" Kenji sighs, 

"He means penthouse." I tell them.

"My dad's penthouse, there's a private peer and everything." Kenji says.

"And you're just now telling us this?" Yasmina says, looking at Kenji and me.

"I forgot. He told me a long time ago, and I didn't even know where it was." I tell them, shrugging.

"Well, maybe I forgot. But now we have a keycard to get inside, so, meh." Kenji replies.

"To the P house!" Everyone shouts, giggling. 

"Ha ha ha" Kenji mocks them, mildly annoyed.

"Cmon, it's kinda funny." I push his shoulder lightly.

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