Bad Feelings

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Elvira would be with Ben and Kenji ^

Elvira POV

Have you ever climbed out of a broken-down helicopter stuck in a tree in the middle of a forest, during a storm? Yeah, I hadn't either, until today. It wasn't fun, if you were wondering. I wonder where the piolet went? Somewhere on the bottom of the jungle floor? In a dinosaur's stomach?

"I love it when we're alive!" Sammy hugs us. She even picked up Ben a little.

"Well I'll fell even better, once I know everyone else is alive." Kenji rests his hand on Sammy's shoulder, who had her arm over bens shoulders.

"Let's her to the dock, if they got away from the t-Rex, they probably went to the boat." Ben starts walking.

"Don't say if." Kenji looks back for a moment.

"They're fine, Kenj. They always are." I smile, wrapping my arm around his waist.

I'm actually not entirely sure their okay. I have a bad feeling about something, and, while, it could be the poison taking effect, it  feels different. The hairs on my body are standing up, and, I Don't know how to explain it, something just...feels off. Wrong, almost.  Now, I'll admit that the fact that I'm freezing and that my bones are aching is probably because of the poison. I'm not sure how long I'll survive if I don't get an antidote, especially if I keep pushing myself like I am now. I just hope I survive long enough to make sure everyone else is okay and off the island, safe and sound.

"No sign of old Rexy." Sammy sighs, eyes peering over to the boat.

"Yeah. But no sign of our friends, either." Ben retorts.

Is this the bad feeling I had? Our friends not being here?

"Maybe they're back on the boat?" Kenji half says-half questions.

"They can't be." Sammy says.

"Sammy, why would you—" she cuts me off, turning me and Kenji to look over.

"Cus they're here!" She giggles.

"Oh, Jesus, Sammy," I sigh, then joke, "I thought we lost you to the dark side."

"You're okay!" Ben says.

Of course they are. They always are.

"We thought you left on the chopper." Darius tells us.

"Nah, it crashed into a tree. Seriously, why do we keep crashing into trees?" I question out loud. I was talking to myself, though.

"Where's Brooklynn?" Kenji asks, prompting me to look around and realize she wasn't there. Was this the bad feeling I had?

"Guys?" I ask, seeing their faces drop.

Oh, God.



Kenji went rogue. As much as everyone had come to love the sweet dumbass, he really gets on their nerves sometimes. As sweet as he is for caring about Brooklynn like this, he might've just ruined the entire plan. Elvira, even though she doesn't necessarily agree with Darius or Kenji in this situation, she can see both of their points. Brooklynn wanted this, and she would kill them if they went against her wishes, but then again, Brooklynn could be severely hurt by these men, or even the dinosaurs they're bound to run into. Oh, and to catch you all up, they we're currently in a stampede of Ankylosaurus's, fun, right?

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