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Elvira POV

Yaz and I had gone on a run this morning. Of course, she was a track star, she loved running. I ran a lot before all of this because of training and building stamina, so after running for our lives for so long, it felt nice to run, but not for our lives. 

"You okay, Fadoula?" Ben asks Yaz, who had run and jumped right over his head, granted, he was crouched, but still. I had taken the easier option and just ran up beside him. 

"I forgot how good it feels to run, I mean, really run. For fun, and not because something is chasing us." Yaz sighs happily, laying out against the grass, a leg crossed over the other.

"Agreed, it's been a long time since we've ran, and not for our lives." I lay besides Ben.

"Can't say I relate, but I'm glad you both had a good time." Ben puts his arms behind his head.

"Better than good. Being out there gave me space to think. I'm gonna do it, Ben, Elvira. I'm gonna tell Sammy how I feel." Yaz sits up to look at us, making me and Ben look at eachother with wide smiles.

"That's—yes! Yes! Oh, I'm so happy for you! How? When?" Ben pumps his fist in the air, sitting up from his spot of leaning against Angel.

"That's amazing, Yaz! When are you gonna do it? How?" I give the girl a wide smile.

"No idea. I'll just. I'll do it when the time is right, you know?" Yaz pets Rebel.

"How about now?" Ben looks over Angel, seeing Sammy in the woods, messing with meat.

"Yeah! It'd be a good time, she's in a good mood, you're in a good mood. No one's running for their lives, it's perfect!" I cheer the girl on, me and Ben stand up and walk her to the forest line. 

"...Should we spy on them?" Ben asks me.

"Uh, yeah." I say in a "duh" tone. "And we should keep anyone else away."

"Got it." He nods, we both stand infront of a tree, out of sight from the girls, but we can keep the others away.

Darius and Brooklynn walk over to us.

"Uh, hey! Brooklynn, Darius, fancy seeing you here." Ben waves his arms in the air.

"At the meet up spot? Yeah. Who saw that comin." Darius raises a eyebrow.

"Definitely surprised. Who woulda thought?" I add, making Ben playfully glare at me.

"Oh hey, guys. Any luck?" Sammy stands and walks over to us. Damnit!

"Yeah. I managed to set up a drone to patrol the perimeter of the island. Now we'll get an alert as soon as the Kon's and Mr.Jones show up." Brooklynn nods.

"Nice." Sammy smiles, pulling Yaz into her side, "And we made sure all the Dino's had something to eat to they won't attack eachother. We did that. I don't mean to brag. Except I do, because it's beautiful, and we should be proud."

"You're right. Not that there's anyone around to appreciate it." Darius says.

"Time to change that." Brooklynn turns on the tablet she had, "Whoever's watching this, prepare to be amazed, by these guys! Some of the most incredible people I have ever met."

"Are you recordin us?" Sammy asks the pink haired girl.

"Yeah. Because someone needs to know that we survived Nublar, and they were here now. That we protected dinosaurs from big game hunters, and..." Brooklynn trails off.

"A horrible hybrid." Yaz says.

"Two, horrible hybrids." Darius holds up his hand.

"Technically three horrible hybrids." Sammy adds.

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