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It has been three days since Chloé got suspended. Three days of agony without executing her petty plans. I remember the blush on her face when we were in the Biology lab before she ran out with gushiness all over.

Well I hoped she was gushing. I hoped she didn't find it irritating.

"You look amazing Daniel!" Anthonia came with her graduation cap in her hands.

I immediately forced up a smile to my face and stared at her as she pretended to be all cute so I'd magically have a crush on her. Fat chance. "Thank you Anthonia. Your pink dress is lovely." I grinned harder.

It'd be cuter if it was Blue and oh....maybe she'd turn herself into Chloé. Then maybe I'd like her appearance.

I exited myself from the crowd of girls around me that was slowly forming and headed over to the boys. Not like I cared, but since a day after Chloé's absence in school, I noticed how that idiot André became....quiet all of a sudden. If I was his friend or pretended like how I did with everyone, I'd ask if he was sick. Or maybe it's the broken nose I gave him that made him so dull.

"Don't we all just look handsome today?!" Wes wore his graduation gown with pride.

"Stop shouting you idiot." Drake said.

"You can't tell me what to do. You're looking at the newest seventh grader in the entire Richwood Academy of America." He bragged.

"We're all graduating from elementary school together you idiot." Jake added and rolled his eyes before Tania came and dragged him away from us without even an 'Excuse me'.

"André why are you sad?" Alexis who apparently was having a huge time crush on Andre spoke.

But he just gazed at her and shook his head. He looked the least excited today.

"You look really handsome Daniel." A girl from the other sixth grade class complimented and I smiled. I honestly do not care if anyone thinks I look like a dead ogre, I just wanted Chloé. Her family weren't here yet.

"And he looks like a lost puppy because Chloé isn't here yet and he misses her so much!" Drake teased and I felt like punching him. But my knuckles were too precious to touch him. Besides, my parents were here and they'd kill me if I got into a fight with my classmate. He laughed and playfully nudged André. "Am I right André?"

André just stared blankly at both of us before silently walking away as Drake called him. But he didn't answer. We all watched as he passed both his parents. I noticed the sad look on his mother's face when she called him but he flatly ignored her and went outside.

"What made André so dull?" Wes said.

A couple of impatient minutes later, my father pulled My Mother and I to take pictures. For we had to look perfect, despite the fact my Mom was in serious pain from the the heavy beating she received when she came home yesterday night. All because she was an hour late.

That was as a result of a turbulence that happened that delayed her flight, yet my disgusting Father saw it fit to 'discipline' his wife for being "tardy".

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