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"Well, not exactly your Father, but your Father's Father. David Snow." My wife added.

I still couldn't believe I was in this house after so many years. I remembered the last day I was here by the door as the staffs carried out my bags along with my family's. My Mother looked at me when I told her I would never step foot in this house again. I said the same thing about me never stepping foot in the States when we boarded the plane as the two pilots greeted us.

But look at me years later. I was in States, and I was in this house. All because of her.

"You look like you want to murder someone." She faced me. "I'm...I'm sorry. I should have told you I was doing this. It's just, when Mom told me about...everything from her perspective. Your childhood I mean." Of course it was the doing of Mila Snow. These two ladies ever since I introduced them to one another have been gossiping with each other any chance they got. They were so close that after we got married, Chloé began to address her as Mom. She once told me that Mila was the opposite of her Mother. And for the first time, she got to feel what motherly love was. I could relate to that considering Carlos was gradually becoming a Father figure in my life. "She also confided in me what happened." Chloé said and that was when I looked at her. A part of me was surprised Mother told her she killed David. "I promise I won't tell anyone. Your family is my family now, so the Snow family secrets are now my secrets to hold and keep safe."

"I know."

"And although your Mother hates your Father's family. Mom is still family oriented. She doesn't want this land, this house to be desolate. She wanted me to talk to you about how you discarded the house when you left and is currently making the house deserted forever. But I know talking to you might be futile, so I did this. Mom was able to talk to the attorney concerning this house without letting you know what we were doing. I got the access I needed and we've been remodeling it for seven months now."

"So you did this before our marriage?"

"Yeah." She bit her bottom. "I just wanted to help. I know you hate your predecessors, but it's a beautiful home on a good land. You're supposed to inherit it, and not leave it to die." She said as I looked outside through the transparent glass walls.

"Inherit what?" I scoffed. "Gut wrenching memo—"

"This is our home. We will make new memories and forget the old ones. You didn't even realize this was your home until I said something."

"I would have realized if we were outside."

"If you're talking about how the building currently looks, it's pure white. I ordered them to cover the grey paint your father and grandfather used." She came to my side again. "Don't let one person stop you from being home. Daddy told me the say thing over and over again when I wanted to permanently reside in Paris after school. And by the way, you said you like the living room." She pouted.

"He almost fucked you in this same living room seven years ago." I deadpanned, then immediately regretting it when she would probably grow weak and understand where I was coming from, but she didn't.

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