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I turned around with a scowl on my face to look at my annoying senior —Tiffany Lanes. "What do you want, Tiffany?" I gave her a bored expression after she called my name.

"You are presented with the honor of being invited to Diana Thompson's residence this evening by four thirty for some...tea. Do not be late, Chloé." She spoke sharply.

"Your British accent is really making it hard to take your medieval England looking words seriously. You sound like Diana's Butler she got from the 16th Century." I blinked at her.

"I am not a butler!" She defended angrily. "Unlike you Americans, I have class and know how to speak proper English." She rose her chin up.

"Pfft, whatever." I dismissively waved my hand at her and proceeded to enter the car.

"I hope you do not plan on turning away the meeting." Her eyebrows scrunched at me.

"You and her majesty's 'meeting' can go to hell, Butler Tiffany." I started the engine.

"For the last time, I am not a Butler!"

"Oh forgive me Tiffany." I mocked her accent. "You are one of Diana's ladies-in-waiting." I smirked and closed the door. In a split second, I drove past her angry self and proceeded to the Junior Block where I found my sisters already outside. Kylie was busy taking a selfie, not like that was abnormal. But Courtney paced around impatiently.

I shook my head at the two of them as they made their way to the car. They both struggled on who would sit in front, so in order to avoid partiality, I sternly ordered both of them to the back. They were the definition of Tom and Jerry in real life honestly.

"Why do you look so mad Chloé?" Kylie finally brought down her phone and focused on me as I drove. She cared so much about me.

"It's nothing." I said.

"C'mon, tell us. We're your sisters, what if we can help you with whatever is going on with you. You've been sad for weeks now."

"We?" I heard Courtney say.

"Of course WE, Courtney! We're sisters."

"Exactly, SISTERS, not the power-puff girls." She hissed.

Kylie gasped dramatically. "Do you know what we should all dress up as for this year's Halloween?!"

"Oh dear Lord." Courtney regretted what she said.

"THE POWER-PUFF GIRLS!" She squealed to the point my ears hurt. "I'll be Bubbles, Chloé will be Blossom because she's the oldest and a natural born leader, while you'll be Buttercup!" She giggled happily.

"Why do I get to be the angry one?" Courtney asked and I snorted.

"Because you're always angry?" Kylie answered with a nervous chortle.

"Screw you, I'll be Bubbles." Courtney said and I instantly knew an argument would soon start.

"NO FAIR! I wanna be Bubbles. She has blonde hair and has the cutest personality ever!" Kylie whined.

"Grow up Kylie. I'm Bubbles and it's final." Courtney fought back.


"I need the two of you's advice!" I said to stop the upcoming argument as I made a U-turn. They both settled down quietly. "Imagine the Queen of England sends her rude scullery maid to invite you to Buckingham Palace, or even Windsor Castle." Even though I couldn't see my sisters' faces, I knew they were definitely looking at me weirdly.

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