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doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️



After that chaotic evening...and I know I caused most of the chaos, Daddy has been trying his every best to make Mother and I catch up on the years we lost while I was away in Paris. Meanwhile, Mother has been more than resentful towards my Father who has been making her try to see where he was coming from by being unfaithful in their chaotic marriage.

But she wasn't having it at all.

Despite the fact he was the one that got cheated on first, he was trying to make it up with his wife. Mother used this opportunity to attempt in drying Daddy's pockets. And of course, Daddy never hesitated for a second in answering her extravagant requests. I almost got myself in a verbal fight with my Mother because of this issue.

So believe me, it has been more than hard trying to 'bond' with the bitch. For all she does is to throw shade my way, call me disrespectful, tell me how I don't talk like a woman, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera! It was because my Daddy pleaded with me to try and connect with my Mother. If not, I wouldn't be driving home almost everyday to follow her to her stupid events with her fake friends. Even in front of her snobby friends, she tries spiting me. Thankfully, considering Alexis was considered an L.A Housewife, she was present in some of the occasions. So she was there whenever my Mother would try and attack. She normally pinched me under the table to calm the fuck down.

My Mother has been looking for so many ways to kill the smile on my face. But no matter how much she tried, I would make sure not to allow her succeed in her evil and infuriating plans. I could swear that my Mother was from the pit of hell.

I had worked for almost seven years to keep my cool and achieve a happy life. And there was no fucking way that Carina Williamson would come out of nowhere and ruin my perfect life. I was happy, and I intended on remaining so. So after having a heated argument with my Mother in her precious garden, I decided to take a breather by running to Alexis' home.

When the sexy looking guards let me in, I got escorted by a fancy butler who worked for the Martellies. My eyes were in awe with the Sistine chapel inspired ceilings of the mansion's living room. The entire building looked like it had been here since the 1700s, but definitely maintained to perfection. Juno definitely pumped a lot of money into making his home look like a medieval palace. Everything looked, felt, and smelled pristine.

Typical wealthy Italians.

"CHLOÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ!!!!!!!" A loud pitchy voice screamed from the top of the vintage stairs.

I looked up and saw it was Alexis. "Damn girl, you Martellies mean business." I laughed as I looked around. She began to run downstairs to give me the biggest hug of my life.

"Since when did you start getting touchy?" I embraced her tightly.

"Since Michelle couldn't sleep without me hugging her." She said as she smiled brightly. I could swear that she was the happiest Mother on earth. I envied her step kids for being blessed by the Almighty with a wonderful Mother, unlike me that was cursed with Carina Williamson.

"Where are they anyways?" I said, looking for my Godchildren with my eyes. "And is Juno home?"

"Daddy is in Seychelles for some business." She pouted like a kid. The fact that she called him 'Daddy' was something we all slowly had to get used to over the years. "As for those two troublemakers, they're upstairs playing their hearts out." She shook her head.

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