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~doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




It has been one year since that night at Hollywood. A fucking year of him ignoring the fact that I breathe. The rest of my Eleventh Grade year as a Falcon after that night were...

No words to explain.

It was a fucking roller coaster.

From one chaos to another. Yet, he never looked in my direction again. I was invincible to him even when we were seated at the same damn table in the cafeteria. Or when he talks to Irene with that stupid smile of his. I almost lost control of myself when he asked her to be his partner in a science competition the school held six months ago. Thankfully, Irene rejected his proposal with a hesitant smile.

He doesn't even stalker-text me anymore.

I have tried over and over to make him jealous and break but when I say nothing, I mean NOTHING has been able to seep through him to act impulsively and possibly break André's face. It seemed he finally let me go and never wanted me back.

But he told me he loved me. He gave me a special anklet for crying out loud. No one has ever gotten me anklet before because whenever anyone wants to gift a girl jewelry, their tiny minds go to necklaces, earring and bracelets.

Never anklets.

But he thought about it and got a precious one for me.

Maybe he doesn't care anymore. I mean even when people started gossiping about about how I stopped sitting on the glorified table for royals in the cafeteria, and when I took a back seat in cheerleading and Irene gave up her cheerleading post, he didn't even bother coming to ask me what happened.

He didn't even bother asking me if I was okay. I mean, I shouldn't expect anything from him anymore. And I know I hurt him. But does it mean that the love he said he had for me just...disappeared into thin air?

Like it never existed?

Every time I see him with a new girl, my blood boils over a hundred and eighty degrees. He just stopped caring like that? While I was depressed beyond compare. I still loved him despite all the hurtful things he said to me that night.

I walked quietly to the Senior Block's gymnasium in the school's Wednesday P.E uniform — which was a white polo shirt that had the school's symbol embroidered on the top right, accompanied at the bottom with a short black tennis skirt with shorts under for girls and joggers or shorts for boys. Well, most girls wore the tennis skirt, some opted for the short shorts, and a few wore joggers.

Considering an impromptu physical exercise was called for all Eagles to attend after a particular nosy student carried on a research round our set last semester, and it was discovered that A LOT OF US were not physically fit. I certainly felt like the Sport players and the Cheerleaders should be exempted from this stupid exercise considering we bust our asses on the field every damn Friday for this school's entertainment.

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