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"If you think I would believe any word that comes out of that God forsaken mouth of yours, then it shows you believe I'm the dumbest girl you've ever been with." I spat at him, hiding the fact that his words were having everlasting effects on my body and soul.

"I don't say it for you to believe me. I don't say it to win your heart. I say it, because I needed to say it to my hearing. To let go of something I have been holding on to for years now." He shuddered a bit. It was almost invincible to see, but I caught it happen.

"Don't tell me. I'm not interested in your bullshit. You did it before, and you will do it again."

"Do what exactly?"

"LEAVE ME!" I screamed. "You'll leave me again." I whispered as the tears couldn't help but finally flow out. "You'd deceive me and then leave. Just like you did few days before we graduated. Fuck you! You know I was serious that day. I was ready to go to my Daddy and tell him of us and damn this clown show of a union and follow you. I was ready to break my Daddy's heart and have Carina curse me, just to have you. I know I broke your heart the first time, but I was ready. I was so so ready. Throughout my life, I've been sacrificing for the people in my family. And the time I finally did for you, you turned me away and left me to rot in L.A. I then went to Paris, suffered in the midst of my smiles while you enjoyed Daddy's money. Sometimes, I wondered if you just magically forgot about me and started loving someone else. Because I didn't! I was so broken beyond repair while you—"

"I watched." He shut his eyes and opened them. "I followed you to Sorbonne."

"W—What?" My heart started pounding.

"I damned my admission to Oxford and followed you to Paris instead. And, I'm not saying it for you to blush or forgive me. I mean you might probably slap me after this." I scratched the nape of his neck. "May I sit?" He gestured to the bed.

My heart instantly grew weak when I realized how tired he looked. His wounds from the fight were obviously still healing. Even though there were so many injuries with his eyes swollen, his charming aura was still so visible. He still made my heart beat increase with his beauty. "Sit." I pretended like I was disgusted.

"Won't you sit with me?" He sounded like a baby in need of his Mother's presence.

"I don't even want to be in the same city as you, talk not much of sitting with you. Are you talking or not?" I folded my arms and shut him away from my heart that just wanted me to embrace him.

He heaved a sigh and began to talk. "I followed you to Sorbonne. Stalked is better." He added. "You always got coffee from that Starbucks cafe from 07:00 - 07:15AM near the gate and not the one close to your dorm. On Wednesdays, you wore yellow because that was your department's official color they forced you guys to wear every week. And the day you went in blue, you argued with your lecturer telling him straight to his face in French that yellow was the most disgusting color you laid your eyes on." He looked up at me. "I watched from the ceiling."

"You what?" My jaw dropped.

"The amount of times I snuck into your dorm room is equivalent to the amount of times my nephew uses fuck when he talks." He said and my forehead creased. "My Mother spoilt him, and D.J influences him. He's a very bad kid, I must admit. I...I also followed you to any event you and Diana were invited to by your fellow rich Paris friends. A few months ago, I sent boys to attack the French President's moronic son when he wouldn't leave you alone."

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