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"Irene?" My mouth hung in the air as Irene confidently walked to Daniel's side. But I could notice that her legs were somewhat shaking and acting wobbly. What was she doing?

"Hey." He greeted all of us with a smile but he was only facing Kylie and waved at Alexis. "I just came to drop off Irene, went to get fries. You know how crazy she is over it." He gestured at Alexis who was in the same state of shock as I was.

Fries?! Since when did he start eating fries after I indirectly warned him not to in the Second Grade? Something is definitely wrong here. And why was she with him? Why was he with her? How did they even meet? Irene was here an hour ago.

I was about to say something when he cut me off like I didn't exist in the first place. "Anyways, your outfit is...out of this world. Literally." He stared at my giddy sister's alien outfit with an amused expression. He then turned to Alexis. "I'll see you around." He smiled at her and turned to my supposed favorite minion. My alleged best friend. "Next time we should try Burgers. Maybe McDonalds?"

"Well I prefer Burger King." She grinned so hard her cheeks turned red.

What the fuck?!

"Deal." He smiled as he moved closer to her.

"Did Irene smoke her brother's stash of weed again?" Alexis whispered as she moved towards me.

She giggled when he whispered something in her ear. It took me everything to stay composed and standstill. And like that, he didn't spare me a glance and went straight into his car. Off he went without acknowledging me, yet flirting with Irene!

The second after his car was out of our sight, I stormed back into the premises of my residence. Every of them followed behind, including Irene. I turned back to see her engaging on her phone without a care of what just went on. Once we were close to the door, I spun around and faced them.

"What in bloody hell was that?" Venom dripped from my lips.

"What?" Irene decided to play the oblivious card.

I was in no mood to play today.

"Chloé what happened? Why are you mad?" Kylie came to me looking all confused.

Thankfully, Mother came out just in time and dragged Kylie's attention. "Kylie get out of that ridiculous outfit. Hurry up, the show is about to start." Mother urged her last born.

No doubt it was another fashion show they were obsessed about. I was pretty sure she'd contact them after the show and order for all of the clothes through spending Daddy's money. I didn't like it one bit. Although she forced me into this engagement, she never bothered economizing for her husband's sake. But spent lavishly, and Daddy never complained or showed he was facing financial struggles.

I was the only sensible person in this family.

When Kylie ran in excitement, she left the three of us alone.

"What sort of stunt was that Irene?" I moved forward. Fear latched on Alexis' face as she stood aside.

"What stunt?" Irene rose her brow at me before looking back at her phone.

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