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~doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




It has been two semesters since Blue decided to make it a daily goal in feeding me every morning like I was some poor orphan he found on the streets and had fucking pity on.

Not like I wanted it to end. No.

I'm grateful that I get to see him everyday and I get to at least be close to him, scent him, look at him as he looks at me, stop myself from lunging at him and kissing the shit out of him. I can't do that. If I did that, I might ruin everything. I try to talk myself into being contented with what the universe has given me. For once, she was in my favor.

Blue's feeding has not just been making me bloated but also giving my Mother and the insane dietician she hired utter confusion as to why I wasn't going as thin as Kylie. As for Courtney, she flung the teabag at the dietician's face after a month of drinking it and she wasn't able to walk properly. She was the only one that went back to eating regularly as Kylie and I continued. Well, I continued after she reminded me I needed to stay beautiful so that André would not fall for someone else and my Father would not go bankrupt. Well, the diet wasn't working considering Blue was countering the tea with calories.

How wonderful.

Kylie was the only one the tea didn't react to. She reduced but into a model-like body. Not like she didn't have beforehand, but Mother wanted more. She always craved more.

You may think that my relationship with Blue would be somewhat better, but it has been the same. Despite he came to my room every morning, he never acknowledged my existence in school. As a matter of fact, he avoided me like a disease. Not going to lie, it certainly hurts. But I've been trying to understand and live with it.

Keyword; TRYING.

As for my social status in R.A.A since two semesters ago, did it decrease?

A bit.

I won't lie.

Tania has been trying to ACTUALLY take power in R.A.A and not just wear a title. But I am certainly giving her a run for her money. I'm a Williamson after all, and we don't lose. With the bitch taking over places and powers I once held, Irene lost her position as Cheer Captain. I remember how sad she was for a while when she had give up the role and take a back seat in the squad.

The elevator opened and me, Irene, Alexis, and a hungover Eleanor waltzed into the cafeteria like our Daddies were the biggest shareholders in R.A.A's board. We acted like we didn't care if we were no longer number one.

There's something about the number 'two' that has recently been calling me.

I'm lying, I hate the number two.

"I am so fucking tired." Eleanor began to massage her temples:

"No one forced you to drink last night." I told her as my eyes gazed on my phone screen, still while walking.

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