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~doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




It took some time, but patience is the key to some certain successes. Example, this. As I sat at one of the corners of the locker room, lurking in the shadows like a quiet beast waiting to jump on a prey, I witnessed my plans slowly unfolding right before my eyes.

"Oh God, what should I do?" Drake kept on freaking out as he paced around frustratedly.

That's it, let out ALL of your frustration to your friends.

"Just calm down." James said to him.

"HOW can I calm down?" He flung his arms in the air. "Amber's parents wants to meet me. WHY should I calm down?"

"I really don't know why you're freaking out man, it's just her parents, nothing there." Jake shrugged his shoulders.

"Just her parents! Easy for you to say! You're a good boy! A fucking cute nerd, and me....once they look at my face, they'll know I'm a bad boy! What if her father doesn't approve of our relationship and Amber breaks up with me? Oh André." He came to the person I was targeting at. If there's anything that people have noticed André do for Gabriella is act on impulse just to please her. "I-I don't know what will happen to me."

He rolled his eyes. "Uhh, sorry man." He spoke absentmindedly. But I knew slowly that his interest would soon be caught.

"Why don't you just not go? Call in sick or something, say that your pet cat died and you have to start planning his funeral....I don't know." Wes said.

"You idiot, I already did that! I was supposed to meet them last month but I kept on postponing the meeting. And now Amber said that if I don't go on Saturday, she'll break up with me." He crouched down on the bench.

Wonderful work Amber.

"You just have to go." Asher said and the other boys agreed.

"How was it for you when you went to meet Scarlet's parents?" Drake asked.

"Well, her mom was super nice and welcoming, telling me not to call her Mrs. Miller and I should call her Cece which is her first name. And she started calling me her son and all.." He began.

I watched André as the boys told their different encounters with their partner's parents or guardians. He was uninterested but I knew that he would slowly fall into my trap.

"Wow." Drake's eyes widened.

"That is, wow." Jake said. "Thank God for me, I knew Tania's father before they gave birth to me." He laughed.

"What is even the essence of meeting their parents? It's just a waste of time." Lombardi stood up and put his hands in his pockets.

"Idiot! You do that to show to her parents that you really like and care for her, possibly even love her. It is to show both her and her parents and that you're serious about the relationship." Jake, the love doctor said.

If the universe allowed me to ever collide with Chloé's parents in the same place, I will attack her Mother with words of her irresponsible parenting, and tell her Father of how much I despised him for taking my sanity away from me.

It certainly wouldn't be a pretty meeting.

"Really?" André furrowed his brows. He was slowly getting interested.

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