19. DADDY!

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"Are you honestly being serious right now, Mother?" I looked at her through my lighted vanity mirror with disappointment.

"What?" She continued to comb my hair.

This was why I loved my Daddy more. He would never say this to me.

"You are a horrible Mother."

"I am a horrible Mother by saying I wouldn't discard you if you got pregnant?" She acted innocent.

"No you said that it would be a good idea if I slept with André so I would get pregnant just so I could secure the union forever." I hissed. "You're not even thinking of the fact I'm still in school!" I shouted and she hushed me.

"I am just being real, sweetie. I was a teenager once so I know how hormones act and sometimes you just want to get...physical with someone you love. I'm just saying it's okay if you get pregnant, we'll obviously keep the baby!" She smiled happily and it disgusted me.

"Of course you will. If the baby was someone else's and not a Lombardi, you'd look for the nearest Doctor that could abort the child out so I wouldn't bring shame upon the family name. But since its a Lombardi, why wouldn't you force me to keep it?" I hissed. "Your billion dollar granddaughter given to you on a gold platter."

"I'd prefer a billion dollar grand-SON." She smirked. "Chloé it isn't like that."

"Oh please it is." I scoffed and folded my arms. "Get your hands away from my hair, I'm not six. I can get myself ready for school." I pushed her hand from the grip of my hair but she brought it back with a frustrated huff.

"You know one of your cousins got pregnant at eighteen and her child looks so beautiful." She tried to romanticize teenage pregnancy for me to fall.

"For goodness sake, Mother. She's currently struggling on how to take care of that baby all by herself considering the idiotic baby daddy left her."

"That's because your cousin isn't blessed with—"

"Money?" I rose my brow at her. "Yes, I know. The only financially wretched cousins I have are all from your side of the family, Mother." I mockingly scoffed at her.

"What are you trying to insinuate?!" She held my hair tight but I wasn't going to let her know I was in pain.

"Oh nothing." I said innocently. "Just that you're like the golden girl in your...little family that won a lottery ticket, which is my Daddy, of course." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't talk about me or our family like that again." She warned.

"YOUR family, not mine. I don't deal with commoners." I smiled.

"You are such a spoilt brat!"

"Blame that on your husband, Carina Williamson." I replied in a nonchalant tone.

"If you're done being so disrespectful, might I remind you that you have a duty to do. So you need to do whatever it takes to keep André stuck with you. This union will hold. My country club friends keep on indirectly rubbing it in my face of how their children come back home with tales of how André doesn't hesitate to cheat on you with numerous girls. Some of them are their daughters and boy are they happy about the fact that a Lombardi noticed their kid. You think they're not advising their children as well?!"

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