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~hola, i know edits are ruling the world these days, and i don't exactly have made one for chloé or the book as a whole. but here's an edit i found of the person playing her in the book⬆️, lol.




"YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?!" André halted the car with force despite us about to pull out of the parking lot attached to the Senior Block. His bewildered hazel eyes all the girls were going crazy for looked at me.

"There's nothing there." I shrugged.

"There's nothing there?" He profusely blinked at me with shock. "I become a dead man the minute my arms wrap around you in front of him and face serious 'accidents' during practice from his wing. Imagine what will happen to not just me, but US if a word about this is slipped to Snow."

"That's exactly what I want to happen!" I declared with rage and his eyes widened even more. "Of course I don't want you hurt, not like I care..." I rolled my eyes. "But yes, I don want you hurt. But please, we have to do this. What happened to crushing and destroying him?"

"What happens to me when Daniel Snow hears of the crime you want us to commit?! What am I gaining from this because I can't even fight back?!" He complained to me, not because he didn't match Snow's energy. No. It's because I have been begging and pleading with André all these years not to hit back even though I know he desperately wanted to roughen Daniel's face.

"You said you derived joy in seeing him loose control, did you not?" I snapped at him.

"I am tired of getting into 'accidents'." He spoke with frustration. "And from the stunt you want us to pull, I don't think the next thing coming will be tagged as an accident because he will lose his mind and I will definitely fight back. I haven't fucked enough girls or really frustrated my father by being unfaithful to you for me to die so soon." He gritted his teeth in anger.

"Andé you cannot back down!" I ordered and raked my hair in frustration. "You can't." My voice almost sounded at the verge of begging. "Who the hell do I go to that'll agree so quickly to do this?!"

"Chloé this is High School. There are so many horny Hawks, Falcons, and Eagles that are ready to fall at your beck and call." He gazed at me with a 'duh' expression.

"You honestly think it will hit him so bad if it's some random dude?! Do you even know Daniel at all?!" I hugged at his stupidity.

"You have a point. If it's my doing, he will reign down terror. If it's someone else, highest he'll just cut off their arm." He joked but after two seconds of laughing, we both thought about it and looked at each other. Daniel might actually cut off André's arm...or worse.

No! That's not possible. He's a teenager.

A sociopathic one.

But...he can't possibly do that.


Or put André in an accident, I don't know! I started to think if I should do this anymore...No I have to, I need to do this. I need to prove to him and myself.

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