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doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️





That was what I felt as the lights and cameras flashed at my face in the midst of me getting down from the car. I internally held myself to halt the anxiety about to erupt as I inhaled the hot air of California. But I dared not to bring what I was facing out for the people of the world to see.

"O.M.GEE! Is that CHLOÉ?!"

"Chloé it's so good to have you back!"

"Holy fuck! That's Chloé Williamson!"

"I love you Chloé!"

"You're my favorite model!"

"She's so pretty tonight!"

The crowd outside the theatre screamed as they saw me emerge from the car so elegantly. I hadn't reached my Father's house after so many years, yet the first place I decided to rush to was a movie premiere. After my course-mate from University pleaded with me to attend her movie premiere, I decided to go considering my Daddy was pestering me to finally come home.

With my fake smile on, I waltzed in my pretty yellow dress and low ponytail to the red carpet and posed for the numerous cameramen and women to take as much pictures of me from different angles for the magazine and blogs they worked for.

With my fake smile on, I waltzed in my pretty yellow dress and low ponytail to the red carpet and posed for the numerous cameramen and women to take as much pictures of me from different angles for the magazine and blogs they worked for

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Despite the suffocation I felt, I still stood and smiled like any dainty lady in public would do. The media and crowd were obviously shocked with my appearance considering I had not laid a foot in the city of Los Angeles in almost six to seven years. Daddy was patient and tolerant when I was still at Sorbonne and never agreed to come back home for the holidays.

I remember the time he tried to bribe me by sending Uncle Richard to show up at my dorm unannounced during Christmas four years ago. They LITERALLY hired a private plane to fly into the campus and pick me up with a large blue bow by the side. Tempting, but I didn't agree. Instead, I told Uncle Richard to bring Daddy and my sisters to Paris so we could enjoy Christmas as a family...WITHOUT my Mother.

Eventually, they agreed and have been coming over to my side instead of me going over to their side. For cases where Kylie gets her way into making Daddy fly us to islands and countries for holiday vacations, I met them there. I never once went home.

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