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"This looks illegal." I spoke bluntly to the head designer, the staffs under him, and my Father who all turned to look at me. I nodded at them with folded arms. "Show me more." I said before taking the lead as my Father and staffs looking for a promotion showed me a hologram of the new S.S.I building they were launching in a month's time at Washington.

My Father saw it fitting for me to accompany him to work today so that he could give me a taste of what I would be running in due time. It's not like I had never accompanied him to work before. I had. But ever since Damon died, all he wants in my head is me planning vigorously on how to take my place as head of the family's business. I could never be more disinterested compared to the way I felt at the moment.

Our family was into I.T and just any kind of advanced technology your little minds could think of. From the simple Snow Smartphone, to advanced spy technology and other related matters, the multi-billion dollar Snow Systems Incorporated handled it. And someday, my Father envisioned me to be running every single part of it. Although we were mostly known for our successful path in mobile phones and electronic accessories, we were still more than acquainted to the American Federal Government, as well as other nations, and not to forget some secret societies.

"What do you want it to be? Looking legal?" My Father scoffed.

"Actually no." I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face him and everyone behind. "It just looks like a building that could destroy the entire Northern Hemisphere if someone pushes a built-in red button."

"As it should. It's an S.S.I building after all." He nodded with pride at his precious enterprise that had continuously caught the attention of Forbes list one too many times.

"Mmm." Was all I could say.

"This is just the beginning."

"Father, you always say that statement despite the fact our family's business has been around for half a century." I gave him a bored expression.

"Such little time, is it not?" He rose his brow at me.

I was just about to answer when I got cut off by the voice of his pubescent looking assistant running towards us as she called on her boss. "Apologies Mr. Snow, but the car is ready for your departure to the party."

I gazed intently at her and then back at my Father who was busy eye-fucking his assistant despite the fact she resembled a fourteen year old child. One thing I noticed over the years of coming to work with him was how his secretaries and assistants reminded me of young girls. It was funny how no one else aside from me realized it. Either they did and everyone was too scared to say something. I wouldn't entirely blame them. For although my Father was known to be a 'nice' man, people knew the wrath of the Snow family.

"Oh, okay. I guess we are done here." He snapped out of his pervertedness and gazed at his Rolex watch.

Yes, I know. Typical rich man vibes.

"What party?" I asked.

"If you watched the local news, you'd know that the Governor's Inauguration held today. So his wife is holding an exclusive party slash get together at one of the finest country clubs in L.A. Obviously, my presence is wanted there."

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