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~doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




Days passed and Kylie tried talking to me but I was just too hurt to even answer her during dinner. I spent a good five minutes scrolling through the school's gossip instagram account and was about the exit when a particular picture stopped me in my tracks.

My eyes went down to the caption.

'Ouuu! Romance is rumored to spark between R.A.A's sweetheart — Snow and the drama making newbie — Gaby as they take celebrity pictures over the weekend!'

My eyes scrolled up to the picture as I stared intently at the screen. My burning heart aching with pain and heartbreak as I looked at the bastard that said he loved me taking a picture with the girl that was set to ruin my life with André. They stood so happily and couple-ish...ly as they took a picture with that band called 5 Seconds Of Summer. Didn't they break up? Whatever.

So my disloyal sister got my nemesis ready for Daniel Snow to take her to a freaking 5 Seconds Of Summer concert?!

My anger swiftly rose up and before I knew it, I saw myself ONCE AGAIN smashing the screen of my new Snow Phone on my dashboard. First time, it was Tania that made me break my phone, and now it was Blue and that bitch that André weirdly calls Brie.

Such a stupid nickname.

Blue never gave me a nickname.

I didn't even care to pick it up, I just grabbed my bag, went out and furiously banged the door before heading towards the school's field.

"You're late!" Tania screeched at me the second I reached the field as they practiced.

"Don't care." I waved her off, furiously dropped my bag and fell in line as the other girls watched me weirdly. They instantly knew I was in a bad mood and I wasn't to be messed with. Tania heaved a frustrated sigh and resumed the practice for the upcoming Homecoming game.

Throughout the entire thing, my body was there with the girls as I held the pom-poms, but I knew for a damn fact that my mind and eyes were concentrated on the field as I watched the sweaty boys in their jerseys play so aggressively. I shamelessly and stupidly gawked at Blue as he took a hold of the ball and made his team score. He literally broke my heart yet I was still obsessed with him.

We went for a ten minutes break and the girls instantly searched for water cans in their bags. As I held mine and sipped on it, I looked at Blue as he took off his helmet and walked over to where Drake was.

A crazy idea popped into my head. Maybe I should fake an asthmatic attack to see if he would care. Would he fucking care and run over? Would he? I realized how pathetic I was becoming and it disgusted the shit out of me.

Anger pulped through my vein as I watched Kylie go run to a confused looking Gabriella. She looked confused but at least she stopped looking like a walking zombie. She was back to her normal and annoyingly pretty self. Back on her face was the glow all the guys were falling for.


Why is she glowing again?!

What sort of stupid question is that? She was obviously with Blue. Blue could make anyone happy. Like how he made me happy before he broke me into pieces.

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