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~doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




"...do we have a deal, or do we have a problem?" Tania patiently waited for my answer as she relaxed in her seat like she just conquered the entire America from the government.

I tried to choose my words carefully, but the rage and ...fear slowly enveloping every inch of my mind didn't help me to stay calm. How could I stay fucking calm when this bitch was having the upper hand for the first time ever?! "You honestly expect me to believe you?" I rose my brow at her as the words managed to come out without me screaming.

"Check your phone, I told Blair to send you the video on Instagram if you think I'm faking this." She plastered an evil grin on her pretty face.

Instantaneously, my phone that rested in my back pocket made a sound. I stared at her and she stared back at me. She was winning and she knew it. After bringing it out and silencing my phone as I entered Instagram, it was Blair. Her display picture held a unicorn so of course it was Blair. I begrudgingly entered her dm and played the video.

It wasn't even up to two seconds before shame crept up my cheeks and I subconsciously slammed the screen of my phone on the table.

"Did you just break your phone?" Tania was amused as she stared back and forth between me and my crushed phone.

"If you release this video to the public, you know I would unleash terror and my family will destroy you." I spoke dangerously but I could barely stay still. "I don't give a fuck if your Daddy is a Prime Minister. That is Spain, and this is America." I spat. "You have NO power here."

"Oh really?" She smirked. "I have no power yet I'm threatening Carlos Williamson's pride and joy."

"You seem to forget who you are." It was my turn to smirk as her face contorted into a scowl. "Roberto Valiente's ille—"

"Don't you dare call me that!" She slammed her palms on the table as she aggressively rose up. Her body vibrated like she was getting electrocuted by my insensitive words. She deserved me calling her that after she tried to blackmail me. I have never cared for anyone's feelings and I never will.

Everyone around turned their eyes to us as Tania realized all eyes were on her. She quietly sat down, trying not to let a single fucking tear out. For she knew I wouldn't hesitate to bring her into a pit of depression with my mouth the minute I see a tear. I have said it before and I will say it again, I am not nice.

"Aww, your rage is adorable." I smiled mockingly and she just glared at me.

"I guess I should just post it for all to see and watch you crumble. See me trying to make a proposition with you." She said, trying to control her anger.

"You're so stupid honestly. Have I ever told you that? You didn't even think about the legal charges you would face once that video goes viral and reaches organizations that support the girl child. Not only my family, but you would get sued by others for public defamation and for promoting child pornography. I mean, not to call myself a baby or anything. But based on the American law, I am still considering a minor. And you are planning on posting a video of two minors having sex, WITHOUT their consent for that matter. I can't even give consent considering I'm not even eighteen yet." I shrugged and paused. "I mean, it is stated in the American constitution in Section 2251 of title 18 that the production of child pornography is illegal. And who so ever indulges in it shall face not just fines but serve thirty years in maximum prison." I watched with a smile as the color drained on her face. "Minimum fifteen years." I shrugged. "You see.." I heaved a sigh as I dramatically looked at my manicures fingernails. "I am no lawyer but I do know how to manipulate the law into my favor. So please, by all means, post the video. The scandal you would cause for me would never surpass the scandal you would bring upon yourself. Imagine the daughter of the Prime Minister of Spain, accused of the production of child pornography." I pouted. "It wouldn't look good in Daddy's career, now would it?"

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