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doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️



My Mother had always said that amongst all her three children, I was the most troublesome. My relatives would always disagree due to the fact I was always quiet. You would hardly see me converse, unless it was necessary. I liked staying on my own, but it didn't mean the chaos that was happening somewhere else wasn't orchestrated by my toddler brain. I remember when I caused a fight between my brothers when I was three, and everyone wondered what happened. My Father knew it was me but said nothing and watched quietly till everyone analyzed the situation and it all balled down it me.

Trouble wasn't written on my forehead but I was certainly it. Too bad people barely saw me as that.

Gabriella made me go on a conquest for her forgiveness and for her friendship. I was pretty sure she didn't do the same for that bastard, but I'd digress. Although today she didn't kick me out of her office as usual, she was lenient into letting me in to her office. Unlike her, her personal Assistant, as well as her Secretary didn't hesitate to laugh at my jokes and smile at my charming aura I presented to them in front of Gabriella's office.

From the moment that I woke up, I knew for a fact that today was going to be...memorable. A little too memorable. For some odd reason, my body wasn't deceived by the serenity of the day and how bright the sun shone on the window of my car, almost blinding me in the process of driving to the D.G.C. I damned my work at the S.S.I for her. And the S.S.I's headquarters was being moved back to the States so there were a lot of things being done.

But even with that, I damned my work for her.

And something was seriously telling me that this was going to bite me back in the ass.

"So you're back."


Despite I had not conversed with him in years, I couldn't forget his voice. How could I forget that God forsaken bastard's voice that proposed to the only woman I would lay down my life for?

I held a smirk from erupting as I slowly turned around. "Lombardi." I smiled but it didn't reach my eyes. The urge to leap and break his neck raced through my veins. "Lovely to see you after all these years." I walked towards him. "Congratulations on the engagement, my regards to Chloé." My petty self couldn't help but say it.

"I thought you were in Europe, Snow." To commit murder was clear in his eyes.

"And I am back. Permanently."

"Oh, does it have anything to do with my engagement? Because your timing is impeccable." The sarcasm in the statement was clear to even the blind.

"Why would me coming back home have to do with you and her?" I creased my forehead. "I'm just, back." My mouth paused. "So I decided to catch up with my old friend...Gaby." I gestured to her office door with a smile on my face. I had delight in frustrating this fucker.

"Don't you even dare utter her name in my presence, Snow." He viciously walked closer.

"And if I don't?" I couldn't help but smirk. "I believe Gabriella and I have a lot of catching up to do, wouldn't you agree?"

The control he had over his temper snapped.

In a split second, he grabbed me by the collar and was ready to throw a punch when the sound of Gabriella's office door being opened stopped him. Considering I was backing the women, I couldn't see the expression on their faces, but I knew it was one of shock and tremor.

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