49. VOID.

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"...with this, the S.S.I has now furthered man's knowledge in advanced tech to over fifty years." I said as I showed the latest designs that were on the verge of being completed and ready for the public eye.

"This is certainly going to be a hit." A board member commented as every of them nodded in agreement.

"Every country at war right now, would want to get their hands on this." I spoke the more as my assistant showed more details of the extremely dangerous object through the projector. "The American government, despite being a peace right now, are placing a bid over it. During the last time I had a private chat with the Chief for the Office of Defense Nuclear Security, they were ready to pay reaching close to fifty billion U.S dollars just for one. And they intend to collect five." I shoved my hands in my pants pockets as I walked around the cold conference room. "But I say we increase the price. Many international governments are in the need for our tech weapons." I stare at every one of the board members. "Irrespective of the fact we are within the U.S territory, we do not owe allegiance to U.S government."

"Most especially after what happened six years ago when their base got hit." Mr. Jones gritted his teeth. Although he owned just five percent of shares in the company, his word was seen as golden amongst them. So if I get him riled up to reject the American offer due to the stunt they pulled against us three years ago, everyone would blindly follow.

"Exactly, despite the fact that they have been partnering with us for almost twenty-seven years, they doubted our incompetency." The Duchess of Milan rolled her eyes. She owned about twenty-seven percent of the company's shares. Although my country are being best friends with the U.S at the moment, I damn the relationship. The S.S.I suffered a great loss when the government discarded us dying minute. I see a time for revenge, wouldn't you agree, young Snow?" She gazed up at me with her intimidating stare.

Damning the fact that even after six years, she still referred me as 'young Snow', I replied her with a calm and collected face. "Certainly, my lady." I nodded. "After all, the Russian government is willing to pay a higher price. So we might accept them instead."

"From my sources in south of China, they have been facing an in-war for almost three months now. They might be in need of...whatever this is." Mr. Jones faced the presentation of the rectangular iron object that was the size of my middle finger. But despite being so little in size, the destruction it did during the underground testing could compete with the Tsar Bomba.

And win.

"I will send my brother to have a discussion with the Chinese Ambassador before the end of the week then. We will get the best amongst them all." I said, bringing back D.J who appeared extremely lost in his stupid thoughts. Again.

"Of course." He snapped out and faced me.

"Thank you all for your cooperation and patience in introducing the DOOM 63.0i14." I finally said the name.

Everyone was about to clap when Damon interrupted as he gazed at me weirdly. "That name is too complicated." He said as his fifteen year old self sat at the back seat of D.J, since he wasn't old enough to have a seat at the table. Hell, he wasn't even old enough to be part of this meeting. But as usual, he groveled and groveled his way into me begrudgingly allowing him to be present.

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