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"I don't want to go." He turned and gazed up at me. "Can't I go to school here?"

I heaved a sigh before squatting down to reach his height. "Schools in England are better than the schools here." I tried to make him understand. "We want you to have the best education."

"But I don't want to be away from all of you." He looked up at his grandmother that was trying to hold her tears. "I don't want to go Uncle." He pleaded with his eyes.

Honestly kid, I didn't want you to go either. But it was for the best. I didn't want any harm to come to you. I wanted to tell my six year old nephew that did everything in his power to get on my soft side. "We'll come visit." I patted his head.

"Kyle said that British boarding schools are haunted with ghosts." He whispered to me before looking at the guardian we hired to take care of him if anything happens. She reminded me of Nanny McPhee.

"You're a Snow, behave like one. Ghosts can't hurt a Snow."

"But what if I see my Father?" He looked at me and both my Mother and I froze. "What if he comes as a ghost? What do I do Uncle?" He asked.

A few seconds passed before I was able to reply. "You tell him that you're a big boy, and we all love him." I blinked while ruffling his hair and he smiled.

"Okay." He nodded and ran to Mother and DJ for a hug.

This is for the best. He would be safe in England, he was not safe here.

He looked at me, he knew I didn't do hugs so he hesitantly started walking towards the stairs of the jet with his guardian at his back. He was about climbing the stairs when I called on him. What was this boy doing to me?

"Damon." I called and he instantly turned back with tears in his eyes. "Come here." I stretched out my arms and I saw the shock in his eyes. He wasted no time in running straight into my arms and I quickly enveloped his small body that was trembling. "I promise you'll come back. Might not be anytime soon, but you will come back to us. To Grandma, DJ, and...me." I kissed his head and held on to him tighter.

"W—What about Grandfather?" He looked up to me.

"No, not him." I said before resting his head back on my chest.

He was the reason why I was sending you away from us. I couldn't bare allowing David Snow to put his hands on Damon's son. We had all noticed the quick anger he had towards Damon at the littlest things he did. He didn't care if Damon was a kid, he wanted to discipline him.

Two weeks ago, Damon accidentally fell down Father's favorite vase. Instead of him to be scared or check if his Grandchild was hurt from the sharp broken glass, his first instinct was to raise his voice at Damon for his 'carelessness'. According to Mother, he was about to remove his belt to whip the living daylights out of Damon when she stepped in. And you know what happened next. She took the whipping for interrupting his disciplinary session.

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