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"Just make me your wife." I sat down on the sofa and crossed my legs while giving the whiskey another try. But nope, not today.

"And why do you want that?"

"Every girl wants a husband." I shrugged.

"That's a fucking lie. You and I know you would rather agree to be sent to a Nunnery, than marry me." He walked towards my direction. "What the fuck do you want Chloé? And don't you dare lie that you care for my daughter."

"And why would I lie about that?" I rose my brow at him. "I do care for your daughter. But she is not the reason I want to marry you."

"Well whatever the fuck is the reason for you wanting to marry me of all people, I want nothing of it. This relationship is over. I don't need you, nor Gabriella in taking care of my own child, so both of you can fuck off." It was evident that he was boiling with rage from when Gabriella came here and me revealing that I have been pretending to like him.

I laughed maniacally. "No can do, mister. I will make reference to the words you said to Gabriella that night of she needing a Father figure in her life. It is the same way she needs a stable Motherly figure in her life. Fuck Gabriella, she wouldn't always have Tequila's time whether she likes it or not. But here I am..." I rose up from the seat and abandoned the glass on the table. "...I am more than ready to abandon my dreams and career aspirations to be your wife and a stepmother to your child. You and I both know that you need me."

"I do not. And no one asked you to make sacrifices." He spat at me before turning away but I dragged him back.

"You're just clouded by the anger your precious Brie just gave you. You are more than confused, it is so evident." I held his face. "Can't you see?! While you're arguing and bickering with Gabriella, I am offering you a marriage where you could do whatever the hell you want. I will take care of Tequila. The both of you are not stable parents, but I can be a stable parent." I held the sob from erupting from my throat. It ached my heart to just see how desperate I was. I was ready to abandon a career I had not even started. But it was for my Father, so I shouldn't cry. "You need me. And besides, your ego would never allow you go back to your lover. Face it! You and her are dead. The time for revival passed seven years ago, it's time for a new book. A new story, with me and you. I promise I won't suffocate you with a pillow in the night and take all your wealth."


A week or two passed by like a breeze. And I found myself one evening in a dark blue shimmering dress, accompanying André to the merger party of the L.T.H.C, and the D.G.C. It would have been stupid of me to miss such an important event. Most especially due to the fact that Gabriella and her sexy self would most certainly be attending the party. So I needed to make sure that a certain boyfriend of mine stayed ten inches away from her.

The party, just like another other business party was the definition of a bore. I occupied myself by imagining all through the hours. What was I imagining? Me throwing myself a gala in this red themed hall, as I celebrated the opening of my shoe company and it being a great success.

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