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~doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




It was after school on a regular day and I was still in the classroom with my minions...friends...I'm working on it. Anyways, we were all sitting down near each other as Eleanor ranted about the first time she stole a beer from her Uncle's mini fridge when she was twelve.

"You need an asylum, not just rehab, Eleanor." Alexis flatly told her and she pouted like baby.

"Fuckers!" She shoved her middle fingers to our faces.

"You know we love you." I laughed but when she was about to reply back, the door opened with force. All our foreheads creased when we saw André make his way into the class with the most murderous look I had ever seen him have since we were little till now.

"I fucking warned you Chloe!" He barked at me like I was a child he was about to discipline as he marched towards where I was.

Without even thinking of calming down and being rational, my skin irked at the fact that he thought he could raise his voice at me like I was a trophy wife that took every of his shit. "What did I do?!"

"Don't play innocent with me." He came to me and took a strong hold of my left wrist then began to pull me forcefully out of the class. Irene and the rest just looked stunned as ever.

"André let me go!" I shouted at him.

"I should be the one telling you that! For God's sake let me go!" He raked his hair in frustration. "Leave me alone Chloe! You know I don't want this! And you're the only one that can really stop this from happening!" He said the minute we got outside. Thankfully, the floor was empty.

"Sorry darling, but you're stuck with me." I smiled sarcastically. "There is no going out for the both of us."

"Let's even leave that. How dare you fucking tell Gabriella about us?!" He roared at me.

Okay, hold on.

My eyes widened. "Me?" I pointed at my chest in disbelief. "Why on earth would you think that I could EVER do that? I would be disgracing myself and she won't even believe me! Because everyone knows this happens in the Medieval ages and not the 21st Century."

"Then explain to me how Gabriella knows about us being..." He paused and lowered his voice. "...betrothed?"

"I can't believe Gabriella knows." I suddenly became terrified. What if she tells the entire school? "How-How did she find out?"

"Oh please quit the drama Chloé!" He huffed.

"André I am telling you I didn't tell her." I sighed frustratedly.

"Just shut up Chloé ! I've had enough of you for years!"

"It's not her." A voice said behind André and we quickly turned our attention to his back. My heart dropped. "It's me."

"What?" I was too shocked and heartbroken.

"How dare you Courtney?!" He barked at her.

"I'm not Chloe that tolerates your anger." Her mouth snapped with venom. "Don't mess with me, André Lombardi."

"Fuck it! I can speak to you how ever I fucking want and you can't do shit about it, do you get me?"

I wanted to attack him immediately for talking to my sister like that but I was too confused on why she did that. "Why did you tell her Courtney?" Hysteria covered my voice.

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