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~doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




One thing about me is that I can hardly ever be wrong. Before I put my mind and effort into something, I calculate and see the probabilities of me accomplishing my goals. Look at how miserable the two of them are. Although my plan looked like it was going south, I knew for a fact that I was not going to fail.

Failure has never been part of my vocabulary and it never will.

I didn't even need to witness the exact events that happened in their respective homes. I could just automatically tell that my plans worked out together. The satisfaction I felt by the dead face of André told me everything I needed to know. Their families —his to be exact — has destroyed their little relationship. How irritatingly adorable it was to see André Lombardi give his all to someone.

And now I snatched it from him.

Furthermore, I knew their relationship was done for when Gabriella presented herself back to me a couple of days before. From the FaceTime we had, she seemed so open and acceptable to every idea I suggested we do in terms of dates.

Irrespective of the fact that time was running out due to the semester drawing to an end, I took the opportunity of R.A.A's homecoming event and made her my date for the dance after we beat the rival school during the match.

How cliché.

We danced to the music as I put on my façade of being happy with her. I faked a personality as thought the inside of me wasn't dying of void and the foreign nature of her hands in mine. I toughened up and subjected myself to take action and kiss her just when the bastard she was in love with walked into the hall.

Just right on time.

You might think that my goal was to destroy their relationship. But I was not that short minded. Destroying their relationship was only the beginning of making André understand what it meant to snatch something that wasn't his to own.

I had the undying and unhealthy urge to witness him broken to the point that he wouldn't even have the energy to punch my golden face for kissing the one person he cherished more than anyone in his life. More than his sisters in fact.

This was just the tip of the iceberg, Lombardi.


The more and more I gawked at Blue's lips never leaving Gabriella's under the disco light with the perfect music making the serenity of the dance floor impeccable for them, the more my heart turned black and cold. It wasn't the air conditioning making me cold, but the sight of the one person I loved kissing the girl I despised more than anything.

I hated her more than I hated the Knights and even more than Anthonia from the sixth grade.

"Don't cry." Alexis came and subtly tugged on my arm just incase I wanted to try something stupid.

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