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"Come in!" I heard Daddy say after I knocked the door of the home library. I opened it to see him on one of the comfy couches surrounded with books relating to international politics and a bit of history. As usual. Daddy's favorite place in the house was the Library.

When we were younger, he made sure that our eyes glanced at any book of our choice everyday. He was a book freak and he wanted us to be that way too. Unfortunately, although I was really good at school, I didn't have the patience to read a book at my leisure time. Kylie didn't hesitate to represent the blonde stereotypical mindset people had about her so book was out of the question. And as for Courtney, she was the ONLY one interested in books.

Well...books on her phone.

"Is it okay if we could talk for a bit?" I said while jumping a few books that huddled together on the floor to form a little pile. The library was always a mess whenever Daddy stepped out of it.

He instantly took off his glasses and placed it on his head. "What do you want to talk about? I'm free." He tossed his book away and made a space for me to sit next to him.

"Daddy, isn't that the book you've been trying to get for months that you just threw to the floor like that?" I smiled at him before glancing again at the title of the book — 'No Good Men Among The Living' by Anand Gopal.

"Is the book more beautiful than my daughter?" He asked me in a 'duh' tone.

"Maybe?" I smirked.

"Blasphemy!" He spoke dramatically and I laughed a little. At least that made my heart ease a bit.

"Well umm, before I say what I want to say...I love you." I held his hand. "But just because I...love you, doesn't mean I don't love other people. Like...like Kylie! God gave us the ability to love many people at the same time. And umm, well...how do I say this?" I raked my hair with my fingers. "Daddy I..." My long awaited statement hung in the air when I got cut off by the loud ringing of a phone on the glass table near us.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I thought I put my phone on silent." He said before reaching for his phone.

"I'm pretty sure you did. But remember you normally place it on priority. And the only time it rings when it's on silent is when either me, Kylie or Courtney calls. Or..."

"It's Richard." He heaved a sigh.

"Must be an emergency that's business related." I said.

"I'll talk to him later." He shrugged his shoulders and was about to keep his phone back after closing the screen. "You're more important."

"No Daddy. You always tell me that a good Businessman always picks his calls no matter what." I said.

"Well this Businessman is also a family man and is currently talking to the apple of his eyes." He playfully touched the bridge of my nose.

"Fortunately for you, the apple of your eyes is understanding. So pick." I said and Uncle Richard began calling again.

"Alright." He surrendered and decided to pick. "This better be important, Richard..." During the call with Uncle Richard, I noticed his face slumped a little after five seconds of talking. What has happened now? I hated seeing Daddy sad or just anything that was not a sign of happiness. "...I'll talk to you tomorrow." He cut the call abruptly and tossed the phone away.

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