22. I...LIKED IT?

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"What do you want?" I spoke sharply as I spun around, intentionally slapping his face with my hair in the process. Good.

He slowly breathed in and out as he stared at me after being hair whipped. "Are you trying to seduce me?" He stepped closer.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I creased my forehead.

"You know how much I am obsessed with your hair. The way it smells, the way it bounces when you walk, the perfect length. The color, I love the dark brown color of your hair. Never dye it." Daniel commanded as his eyes possessed me.

I pretended I wasn't affected by his words. "And what if I dye it blonde?"

"Then I would blame Kylie and become enemies with her because I know she is the ONLY ONE that would advice you to do something like that." He spoke calmly but I could tell he was nowhere near calm.

"What do you want, Snow?" I heaved a sigh as I leaned on the side of my car. It was currently school over and Daniel was once again by my car, pestering me. Since that day till now, he hasn't left me alone. He always corners me whether it's by my locker, or in the bathroom, or alone in a class. Or like yesterday behind the bleachers where he almost made me give in into allowing him touch me...down there.

"I've been answering that question since Monday and now it's a Friday, Chloé. You know what I want."

"Why? Why now after ignoring me for years?" I threw my hands in the air with a stern look on my face. "Fuck off, Daniel. I have a boyfriend."

"You left me no choice. I don't know what kind of madness entered you during the last semester of us being Hawks. You were seeking to frustrate me when you know I can't stand the sight of seeing you and André together. Was your plan to make me commit suicide to please you?" He whispered when he became an inch away from me. His breath smelt like almost faded mint.

"Get away from me. We are in public, people would look and think I'm cheating on André." I tried pushing him off.

"Oh not yet but very VERY soon. I will make you a serial cheater but the thing is that you will cheat on him with only me.

"Didn't you say you don't share?" I managed not to allow my voice to tremble.

"You leave me no fucking choice. And I am not sharing, I'm snatching." He smirked sinisterly.

"Get the hell away from me, I am not going to fall for your tricks." I hissed and pushed him back again.

He was about saying something when someone interrupted. "Uh, is everything okay sis?" Kylie comes along with Courtney by her side as they stared at us with suspicion.

"Everything is fine, Daniel was just leaving." I managed my breathing while arranging my blazer. I hated how he made me loose guard.

"Actually I wasn't." He brought up his façade and grinned at my sisters. And of course Kylie had to smile back. He was a bloody charmer. "I unfortunately have a flat tire so I was begging Chloé to give me a ride home but she sadly is refusing." He put on a sad act that instantly melted Kylie's heart. Daniel was an expert in the art of deception.

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