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~doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




"Just because I allow you to cheat on me like you are some modernized bad boy Henry VIII or the R.A.A version of Louis XIV, does not mean I will allow you to ride on me and disrespect me in front of that newbie!" I whisper yelled as I caught up to him on the Eagle floor.

"What the hell do you want?" André spoke so lazily as he took big steps in getting away from me.

"What do I want?! I'm not the one that was eye fucking a female Falcon all through last night!" I grabbed his arm and made him face me. His expression appeared like he was bored as hell and I was being some sort of pest. Fuck you, André.

"I wasn't, you're just imagining things."

Did this bastard just indirectly say I was going insane?!

"You called me your fucking friend!" I held myself from punching his hard chest. I am a Williamson and we are anything but ratchet.

"Are you not my friend?" He smirked as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

My jaw threatened to drop but refrained from doing so. "I am your girlfriend and I deserve respect."

"Where was the respect when you were fucking Snow and not even trying to hide it from the entire student body?" He asked me with a peculiar expression. "Anyways, you are my girlfriend. A girl...who is a friend." He shrugged. "Girlfriend."

"I am your fiancée." I subconsciously looked around to see if anyone was eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Unfortunately." He blinked. "Well, don't be late for class. We have Spanish."

"Que te jodan." I sneered at him.

"Thank you!" He smiled.

"I didn't compliment you, you idiot! I told you fuck you in Spanish!" I hissed and stormed off.


I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I couldn't drink. I couldn't genuinely smile. I couldn't stay still without panicking. What the fuck is going on with me?!

Her presence.

Who the fuck is this girl and why is she here in this school? Should I find a way to get her expelled? I should, shouldn't I?

But André might put two and two together and figure out I had a hand in it. His wrath was something I had never been interested in unleashing. At least not yet. It was just the way he was so obsessed with that fucking girl is confusing. Even worse than how he got attached to that Miller's kid Kylie was best friends with.

Anytime I saw her, or heard about her, I couldn't stand it. I disliked her for some odd reason.

Was I jealous? I mean it would make sense as to why I didn't like her considering she's been around my supposed boyfriend since the first day she stepped into this clown show of a school. But André has always been around girls and I never cared. What's so special about her that he's head over heels for and I just can't tolerate?

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