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"Can someone tell me of their idea on what democracy is? Anyone?" Mrs. Minny asked the class. All were quiet as some evaded her stare so they won't be picked. "No one has heard of the word 'Democracy' from older people before?" She shockingly spoke to us, but the class still remained quiet. Her eyes roamed round as my classmates probably inwardly begged for her not to pick them to answer. But fortunately for them, her gaze landed on me. "Misterrr...Snow, right? Mister Snow please tell us what you think Democracy is."

I sluggishly stood up and faced her and the class. "In the words of the sixteenth President — Abraham Lincoln, democracy is a government for the people, by the people, and of the people. Abraham Lincoln is also known as the Father of Democracy." I said and the dumb students stared at me in awe.

"Beautiful!" My seventh grade Civic Ed teacher complimented me.

I could barely focus in class. My head was spiraling out of control due to so many thoughts. Thunderous thoughts. Sometimes I hated the control she had over me. Cliché to say but Chloé could actually convince me to take my life just because it pleases her to see me die. That was the amount of control she had over my thinking faculty. I doubt she even knows that honestly.

Firstly, he snatched my sanity away from me by trapping her in a marriage. Then he had the audacity to kiss her cheek. I was boiling with rage. Sadly, I wasn't like the typical human child that wouldn't hesitate in expressing their emotions. I didn't know how to do that and I eventually got used to it. Emotions were a waste of time. That's what Father always said and I surprisingly agreed with him on that. But Chloé. She brought reckoning upon my soul.

She made me feel and express things that I had never imagined or wished to feel and express. Anger, pain, nostalgia, happiness.....peace. It's funny how I found peace in her violence. But now she was gone. André freaking Lombardi kidnapped her from my arms. I will make him pay even after I get her back. And when I grow up, I will steal her from her darling Daddy. I despise his bond to her. It threatened my existence.

The summer was winter for me. There was nothing bright about it. Yes, the sun was hot, but I barely stepped out of the house. My family doesn't do vacations, we weren't a happy home. Plus my Father thought summer get-aways were a waste of time. We just stayed home and did absolutely nothing. I personally concerned myself with thinking about Chloé from morning till night.

"Dude.." Wes tapped me from the back. "Why did they put you in B class?"

"Yeah, I thought you were the Saledictorian of our set in Sixth Grade." Irene squeezed her forehead.

"And I thought you were an A class student." I snapped at her and she immediately shut up.

Irene was close to Chloé, that instantly made me not like her.


It reached the ending of School and I surprisingly got picked up early today. I was just about to head to the car when my side eye spotted two figures standing from afar talking as they proceeded to enter the back seat of a blue car.

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