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doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️



Never in a million years did I imagine my Father and Blue would be in the same place together. Not only that, but discussing with each other as though they had been long time pals.

"What on earth is this idiot playing?!" Daddy shouted at a guy in the field who made his team miss a goal.

"I told you Mbappe was overrated." Blue shook his head as they both simultaneously jugged on their beer as they watched the tense looking game through the hundred inch tv that was placed in our living room. Although there was a gigantic television here, it didn't stop my parents from having a cinema room.

"I would probably get bashed if I said this in a press conference, but I have never liked P.S.G, just saying." He shrugged his shoulders and Blue laughed. He laughed?! He can laugh?!

I mean of course he can laugh, but, WITH OTHER PEOPLE?!

Genuinely for that matter?!

They continued to converse as they both bantered and then agreed on their different football opinions. I was so flabbergasted, I didn't know when my phone fell from my hands and landed straight to the cold tiled floor.

The sound of my screen getting smashed by the tile caught their attention. The both of them snapped their faces to my direction.

"Oh my baby is back!" My Daddy said with so much joy in his tone as he stood up with Daniel at his side. The latter just looked at me, intimidating me with his deep blue eyes as a teasing yet soft smile rested on his face. "Come, come Chloé." He beckoned on me with opened arms and I slowly walked towards him. I even forgot about my phone I fell.

"Uhh, what is—"

Daddy instantly caught me off when I reached him with a bear hug. "My little princess." He baptized my forehead with kisses before ruffling my hair. When he let me go, his face turned to Blue who couldn't stop staring at me.

"What is happening here?" I said with my heart beating so fast.

"I was as shocked as you are three hours ago when the owner of the S.S.I knocked on my door saying..." He entered his thoughts. "Dan, say exactly what you said." Daddy told him.


My eyes widened when Blue said what he told my Father. I felt like fainting on the spot! "Simple, I told Carlos that I was here to stake my claim on his pride and joy. YOU." Blue deadpanned.

"WHAT?!" I went hysterical but Daddy just laughed. He just laughed?!

What the hell was going on?

"Oh don't play the oblivious card with me, princess. Daniel already told me the two of you's history as we drank some beer—" Daddy's statement was caught off by the shouting that was happening in the stadium the game was being played. Before I knew it, both my Daddy and Blue roared a victorious "GOAL!" I instantly flinched away from them in shock. They were acting like children. "As I was saying..." Daddy said when they got their mature selves back. "Why didn't you tell me you were in love with someone else? Why did you choose André?"

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