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"I couldn't do it." I lamented with tears. "I just couldn't."


"Blue." I called upon him as he just stared at me with vacant eyes.


I sobbed. "Please talk to me." My nose sniffled. "Blue..." Just when I was about reaching out to touch his arm, he swiftly caught it with a firm grip. "You're—You're hurting me." I winced at the pain in my left wrist.

"This would be the last time you attempt to touch me. For if you try it again, I'm not even kidding, I will lie to the authorities that you tried to rape me."

"Rape you?!" My eyes widened in astonishment.

"You betrayed me for the second time. Twice." He laughed and flung my arm away like it was some disease. "I was so stupid to believe you."

"You're not stupid." I cried. "I just...I just love my Daddy so much. He's the only parent that cares about me. I love him."

"I fucking know that you love him." He snapped. "More than me. I've always known that."

"N—No." I shook my head profusely. "Blue don't—"

He sharply cut me off with rage in his eyes. "If you did, you would have chosen me right from when we were kids. But you didn't! You chose him, AGAIN. I was young back then but yet I chose to see your face everyday over my Mother and I getting away from a traumatic tower. I FUCKING CHOSE YOU CHLOÉ! I have always put you above everyone else in my family and in school. I got isolated by every boy in class when we were kids because I made a girl my best friend and refused to join them when they were playing Football and talking about Naruto. I only started playing Football when you abandoned me. They all saw me as your fucking puppet that did ALL your bidding without blinking an eye but I never cared because having you with me was heaven to me. I frustrated the hell out of André because I loved seeing you laugh at him being angry! You know nothing about love."

"That's not true. I do—"

"No you do not! Do you want to know something?" He came closer. "When you love someone, their joy becomes your joy and their pain becomes your pain. You honestly believe that I am idiotic if you thought I didn't know you didn't do it the second I saw your face when you stepped passed your gate."

"But..." My heart began to hammer. "I didn't say anything." He knew?!

"You didn't have to. You're a terrible actress." He hissed.

"But why didn't you say something?" Tears welled up even more. "You pretended to be so happy tonight."

"Façade." He smiled.

"I don't like when you do that." I whispered. My voice was completely gone.

"And I don't like when you choose people over me. Hmm, we both don't get what we want."

"Please don't do this." I begged.

"Aside from the façade, I decided to pretend like the reality I was about to get hit with didn't exist. Just for tonight." He chuckled with bitterness. "I pretended like I could have you. That I could FINALLY have you..." He cupped my face with his hands. "...but the look in your eyes every five minutes made me feel like I was awaiting my death day." Sadness overtook his face. These aren't the emotions I wanted him to feel. He leaned his face to mine until our lips were just an inch away from each other. Would I ever even kiss him again? "You are the most selfish person I have ever met."

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