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here's a little peek of diana, kylie and chloé together❄️

here's a little peek of diana, kylie and chloé together❄️

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"Has anyone noticed how boring Mondays are becoming? The school has been so dry since the Seniors left." Eleanor groaned and sighed as her baby blue eyes roamed the cafeteria from where we sat.

"Well we have new Seniors now." Irene stared at her with annoyance written all over. She still saw Eleanor as a threat to her space in my world.

"And a new Queen who still won't take her freaking place!" She whisper-yelled at me and Irene's eyes grew wide.

"Does your mouth ever shut up?" Irene hissed at the latest minion.

Eleanor Thompson was a bit different from Alexis and Irene. She was louder, more outspoken and less afraid of me. This resulted in her losing her grip sometimes and telling me the truth straight to my face. She joined my entourage on the night of Diana's prom after she clumsily found herself baptized by the punch drink. Obviously people laughed but what caught Diana and I's eyes was that she joined too in the mockery of herself.

According to Diana, Eleanor was a druggie and probably took a lot before coming. I was about to ask Diana how she knew when she informed me that the girl was a distant cousin of hers. She further told me that her cousin could be of use to me when she's gone. Although Eleanor was over the top with her talkative attitude at times, she had proven herself to be a great addition to this...table.

"Nope. And Chloé knows I'm right." She folded her arms.

Alexis just looked at all of us and focused back on her phone.

"Queen Bee, our table is going dry." Eleanor's fingertips drummed on our table that was once filled with Hawks, Falcons and Eagles at my beck and call. But as days passed, they depleted and scurried away to the ACTUAL table Diana worked her half British 'arse' in order to make sure I sat on it when she was gone.

But here I am back on the table she indirectly rose me from.

My eyes gazed at the table that was filled with Eagles as well as their Mama Eagle, and a particular Falcon that had rivaled me from Kindergarten. Paisley was taking Tania under her wings just as Diana did to me as payback. How wonderful.

I watched as Tania made a joke and her Mother and friends began to laugh like it was the funniest piece of comedy they had ever heard. Bullshit! Diana would kill me when word gets to her about my failure. It was only a matter of time. I was even surprised she had still not heard the gossip even though she was in Paris.

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