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"Are you coming to my house or I should come to yours for the Assignment?" André said before kissing me...on the lips. Although we had done this a thousand times before, it still felt new and DISGUSTING.

"Hmmm...come to mine." I smiled at him. Idiot.

"You owe me a freaking ice pack, your devil almost uprooted my shoulder yesterday." He whispered to my ear and I giggled as though he was telling me sweet words.

The class just dropped what they were doing and stared at us as we acted like a lovey dovey couple. Soon enough, the bell rang for break, and everyone rose up from their seats.

André charmingly took my hand in his for me to stand up. Plus he decided to spite Daniel Snow the more by giving me another kiss. I really felt like throwing up.

Once we walked out and was out of everyone's view, I removed my hand from his. "Get your bloody hands off me." I hissed and walked away from him, and headed straight to the cafeteria.

By the time I reached there, André was already at my back. Great, more kisses. He forcefully took my hand again and we smiled as we went to sit at table suited for R.A.A's King and Queen —André and I.

It has been a semester since that awful day happened. A part of me died that day, and a part of me was reborn. The evil part. I have been nothing but ruthless and anti-fragile. I have not hesitated to secretly crush down anyone who tried me, nor have I hesitated to destroy what was left of Daniel Snow's ego in the best way that I could. I wasn't going to let him destroy me, over my dead body. He will pay for breaking my heart.

Although André and I do not hesitate to seize a moment to capture the eyes of B—I mean Daniel Snow, it hasn't been easy for me to sit and stare like it didn't affect me as I watched him with a different girl every day. I'd bite my tongue so I would stop myself from crying when I'd see him run from his practice on the field all the way to where the cheerleaders practiced. But it was not to meet me. No, it was to hand one of the cheerleaders water because she was 'asthmatic'. He'd do that almost everyday for his lady friend. So what if she has asthma? I get dehydrated, where's my bottle of water?! She could go to hell.

A big percentage of the girls were obsessed with Daniel and his sweet and caring nature. Another big percentage hated the fact that I was the girlfriend to their dream bad boy husband —André Lombardi. The one that got in trouble for attacking Daniel in public. Meanwhile they didn't know the bloody scene that happened in private between the two. The rest percentage was shared between the other hotties that were Rubies. People like Drake, Asher, Wes, Jake, Logan and the rest.

As for Jake, girls knew better than to abstain from getting close to him and just admire from afar...with caution though. Because Jake Patel was certainly a known and popular property of the Queen Bee — Tania Valiente. I hated her.

After lunch, André said he wanted to talk to Drake about something. So I left the cafeteria alone. I walked slowly back to class, while every other person scurried back to their classrooms. At first, I was lost in my thoughts. But when my mind came back to reality, and my eyes looked at who was in front of me, my heart skipped a beat.

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