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"Daddy! Daddy! We're going to be late!" I dragged his arm as we sat in the back seat with Kylie, while Courtney up at front with Uncle Richard.

"What got you all excited for school?" He grinned at me. I could tell he was glad to see me smile after a very long time.

"Nothing." My cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"It's not nothing Daddy." Courtney came in. "She's been behaving like one of Kylie's possessed Barbie dolls from when we were little kids."

"I am fine! And YOU are just jealous because I am a Ruby!" I rolled my eyes.

"Cousin Fred said that Sapphire year goes by so fast. So I'll be in High School in a blink of an eye." She snapped her fingers.

"Daddy can I get a Ruby necklace?" Kylie hugged Daddy and presented a puppy face.

"Absolutely my darling." He smiled at her and my face morphed into something else.

I hated how Kylie never even thought if she was draining Daddy's money. She just asked him anything that entered her head and did Daddy ever hesitate? No! Sometimes I wish I could scream at him and remind him of his financial situation so that he would economize and not follow every command that dripped out of Kylie's mouth. For Kylie's birthday last year, she asked Daddy for a Persian Pony. And do you know what happened in the middle of the big birthday bash?

Daddy came home with her foreign horse baby!

I used to ask lavishly before, but after Mother told me of what was going on with my Father's pockets, I quickly disciplined myself and lived economically.

"Get her a fake one Daddy." I said and glared at her. "Stop making Daddy spend so much."

"Lay off Chloé." She said with a creased forehead.

"You can manage a doppelgänger of it." I spoke.

Kylie dramatically gasped as she blinked at me. "Do I look like a peasant to you?"


"I would never be caught dead in fakies." She flipped her hair and grabbed Daddy's arm.

I took his other arm because I instantly became jealous and Daddy started laughing at all his children.

"You three are honestly my pride and joy." He chuckled more.

On the ride to school, I grinned and blushed all the way to R.A.A.'s premises. Daddy and my sisters were right, I was so happy during the summer. So joyful to the point my Doctors decided to put me off the antidepressants and monitor me for a while. So joyful that André found it annoying to the point he regretted telling me that Blue broke his arm because of me.

He broke André's arm because he stuffed cake in my mouth. To heck with flowers, that's true romance!

A bit toxic though, but who doesn't like a bit of toxicity?

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