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doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




I was fucking panicking with everything in me. Him coming to me and speaking to me only appeared in my dreams, not in real life. But what was happening now? Was I sleepwalking or what? How was it possible that he was there? And holding me against my will? No, I have to be imagining things.

I shut my eyes and counted to three before opening them again. I looked down below and I still saw his arms around me. I still felt his breath fanning the nape of my neck. I still inhaled his intoxicating scent.

"Let me go." I whispered, it almost sounded like a beg.

"And why should I?" Anger entered my body and I stood found myself wiggling out of his aggressive embrace. The nerve of the fucker. "You're making me three times harder than when I saw you enter the club with this wiggling you're doing." Daniel released out of his mouth as though they were just mere words. But those 'mere words' caused me to stop. A heat flared in my cheeks in response as I felt him poke my ass. Oh my fucking— "Unless you're doing it on purpose." I didn't need to see his face to know that there was an obnoxious smirk plastered on it.

"Screw you." I hissed. "Let me go, my sister's waiting for me." I began wiggling again, but tried to stop my waist from moving along with my upper body. Keyword; tried.

"Oh that was me." He finally let me out and I flinched from his chest and spun around to face him. I felt myself loose every bit of control I thought I gained over the past few years, when I gazed into his deep deceptive blue eyes. Daniel Snow was most certainly not a boy anymore, but a full grown man that had the ability to make me weak to my knees without even doing anything. His charming aura was still there but more pronounced. His broad shoulders and muscles were well defined and not to the bulky type, but more lean, but not too much lean.

Short on paper, the motherfucker was an Adonis who was currently fucking me with his eyes. I suddenly got aware of my appearance. I tried to stop myself from reacting to the fact he was staring at my nipples that were trying to peak out from the lacy material.

Fuck Eleanor and her whorish fashion ideas.


It was few seconds later my brain analyzed what he said. "What do you mean that was you?" I brought up my phone and faced Kylie's dm to his face.

He responded by bringing out his phone from his back pocket, tapped on the screen a bit like he was bored, and then showed me the screen. My jaw was on the verge of dropping to the floor at what I saw. At first I was confused as to how he was typing through Kylie's dm to mine. But then I put two and two together and— "I specialized in hacking back in school." He deadpanned at me.

"Hacking is illegal! How dare you hack my sister's account?" I flared at him.

"Because I can and I will if it will be the only way to bring you out of that hell zone..." He referred to where I sat at the club. "...Kylie is your weakness and I used it against you." He shrugged. Why did he look so sexy in just a shirt and jeans? Focus, Chloé!

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