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"What is going on here?" I descended with a stern voice the second my eyes landed on Blue and Irene inside the Biology Lab together...ALONE.

"Took you long enough." Blue said without fear in his body as he faced me with an impassive expression, unlike Irene that looked like she wanted to die.

"What is going on here?!" I snapped at the both of them as I got closer.

"Hold your bloody horses, Chloé. You don't always have to be a ticking bomb." He caught my wrist.

"Oh really? Then how on earth do you want me to react when I see the two of you alone? Huh?!" I shouted but the bastard just rolled his eyes. "And you." I faced Irene that had already bent her face.

"Calm the fuck down." Blue wrapped his arm around my waist as his voice whispered to my ear to soothe me. "I called her here."

"The Biology Labs in this school are OUR thing." I glared at him. "Not for outsiders."

"I know, just listen."

"To what exactly?" I folded my arms below my bosom. "Are you guys fucking again?" I laughed bitterly. "I'm so stupid, I should have—"

"Oh shut up Chloé."

It had been almost a month of blissfulness between Blue and I. Most of the blissfulness didn't help soothe the rumors that were already speculating round the school. On top of that, a lot more were created. But we didn't care. Only us mattered, and others were beyond insignificant.

My sister —Kylie had been wanting to get answers from me but I always shut her down. I didn't want to listen or give room for any unsolicited advices from anyone. For once, I was fucking happy. And no, it wasn't because of the way Blue made me run mad against my bed or a bloody wall. It was because being with him, having him with me felt like sanity after how many years of frustration and sadness.

So I was not ready to hear shit from anyone. Although it had been a month, the school still had not stopped in gawking at us anytime we passed the halls or into the cafeteria. But we didn't care.

"I should shut up?!" My eyes flared with anger.


"NO! You're an ruthless bastard, and you're a freaking bitch." My index finger furiously pointed at the two of them.

"Can I talk?" Blue heaved a sigh.

"No." I hissed.

"Well I will anyway and you are going to listen. The both of you are." He shook his head at me. "Irene." He looked at her and my jealousy spiked up to Heaven. "I am sorry." He said and that was when I went completely mute.

"W—What?" Her face shot up to him with shock. "Sorry?"

"Yes, sorry." He nodded. "I normally don't apologize, not because I feel too big to do so. But because I can't exactly..." He ransacked his brain for the perfect word to use.

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