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~doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️




My sister Courtney was right, when Mother was giving birth to me, the spirit of pettiness was at work. If it wasn't at work, I wouldn't be where I was in this pretty black dress and silver heels with my makeup done to increase my age a bit. For the past few days or weeks since the night of the Homecoming, the part of my life that I begrudgingly shut away was forcefully opened once more. A presence was greeted before me, once again.

But this time, his presence felt stronger and almost...irrevocable.

Or at least that was what I thought. Due to how Daniel fucking Snow barged into my room, said all manner of things and made me lose every bit of self control I have been trying to put up, plus what he did to me that night.

What he did to my body.

Heat instantly crept up not just to my flared cheeks but between my legs as my mind travelled back to that night, and these past few days. He fucked me.

What am I saying?

He HAS been fucking me.

Well, he was fucking me. Making my toes curl beyond control every night and every chance to trap me in a closet in school when no one's looking. Not until two days ago when I finally had the courage to say what I have been wanting to ask him since the night he came back to my life and declared me his sanity.

I remember how his eyes went almost dead when his ears received my question as he helped button my shirt back. "Why are you asking me that?"

"Why shouldn't I?" I said as we stood in the dark janitor's closet. "I want to know, where do we stand? You—You just have sex with me but you don't even talk to me after. So of course I have questions." I whispered to him but he didn't even look up, he just continued buttoning my shirt. "Daniel." I called him by his government name, knowing very well he hated that.

His buttoning stopped and his icy orbs glared up at mine. "What?"

"André didn't leave any breakup message for me, but I know for a fact that I am more than fucking single. The two of them haven't even been in school since the dance. Rumor has it that they went to Milan together. I know for a fact that they are probably back together. So I want to know about me...about us. What do you want from me? What are we?"

He didn't answer. He just pretended he didn't hear and left me alone in the dark. Literally, and emotionally. Since that day, anger has been swarming through my brain as well as anxiety. But the most powerful feeling of them all was the pettiness I felt. And that feeling made me come to this party despite the fact I know I shouldn't. But I was feeling uneasy and irrational.

"Chloé? What are you—?" Kylie's eyes widened at me when she saw me walk into the hall like I owned the place. She instantly came to me. "Chloé go home." She whisper-yelled.

"Ashamed of me?" I rose my brow at her and she facepalmed herself.

"Of course not! I just don't want you to do anything stupid." She said. "I care about you. And this is even beneath you, so go home."

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