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doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️



I couldn't go back to sleep after that dream and my overly serious analysis of it. It wasn't the fact that I may be gifted or some sorts that creeped me out, it was the fact that Gabriella won. She won in the first dream, she won in real life seven years ago before I destroyed their relationship. And now she was back. Was I fighting a war that I had already lost?

The ill feeling was so overwhelming that throughout the next day, I couldn't focus without pondering on the numerous 'What-ifs?' that swarmed my head. So I drove straight to André's residence. I couldn't afford giving him breathing space that might give room for thoughts of breaking up with me. I sincerely couldn't afford it. Fuck the dream, she was not getting in my way.

It was as though my instincts were right. The second I reached his residence, I saw André outside his house with Gabriella and Tequila. How convenient!

I held myself from storming out with the penknife in one of the compartments of the car and stabbing them with it. Okay wait, sorry, that's was too gory and undignified of me. Instead, I will pray for a plague to hit Los Angeles. But it wouldn't touch anyone except for the both of them and kill them in their sleep.

Yeah, that was better.

"Hi babe!" I jumped out of the car and walked straight to André and Tequila. I faced the bitch in my life. "Pleasure meeting you again, Gaby." I smirked before kissing André so passionately.


And of course this idiot didn't think it wise to kiss me back.

He released himself from me and straightened his shirt. "And there's my beautiful baby." I transferred my attention to Tequila.

"I should be going, I have a shoot this evening." Gabriella turned on her heels in disgust, but I gently touched her shoulder as she turned around. "What?" She stared at me and sized me up.

"You should stay, we're having a movie night." I smiled so innocently at her. No we were not.


"I miss when mommy and daddy and I did movie night together till WAY past my bedtime." Tequila bent her face as she laid emphasis on the 'WAY'.

My expression couldn't help but change as the atmosphere became gloomy and quiet. Yes, I wanted achieve my selfish goals, but I wasn't too comfortable hurting an innocent child in the process. If it was a devil child, maybe I wouldn't have cared. But it was Tequila, she could barely hurt a fly.

"Come on, Tequila." I controlled my emotions and contorted my face into a bright smile. "I have a new game on my phone that we will play together, okay?"

She smiled at me. "Okay." Tequila bade her annoying yet beautiful Mother a goodbye before walking away with me into the house. I hated André's house, it was too cold. After handing Tequila my phone to play with, I began to watch the two of them through the window that showed the view of the outside. They certainly looked like they were on the verge of fighting right there on the grass.

I watched Gabriella's angry face that was on the verge of releasing tears as she stormed back into her car and shut it so tight, I thought the door would fall off. Tequila sprinted past me to the outside as she realized her Mother was going. I followed her as she ran outside despite I was in heels. I couldn't afford to give Tequila nor her Father breathing space.

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