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"Mmm!!" I tried screaming but ended up mumbling it against his firm palm.

"I will only remove my hand if you promise not to scream. Agreed?" He negotiated but how was I to reply? "Nod your head for a yes." He said and I immediately did while giving him a death glare.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you trying to give me a heart attack at sixteen?!" I angrily hissed at his beautiful face that was staring down at me.

"I just came to say hi." He smiled and that was when my anger reached Heaven.

Hi?! A 'Hi' after five years of silence?! This bastard!

I wanted to scream those words at him.

"You must be on drugs this morning, Daniel Snow." It was all I could utter without letting my true emotions out.

"Oh indeed I am." He nodded, still trapping me. "Ibuprofen. I had a banging headache this early morning so I took drugs." Was he being serious right now? Who did he think he was joking with?!

"Let me go or I'll—"

"Or you'll what? Call for your Italian fuck boy?" He hissed.

"Yes, yes I will!" I declared."I—I mean he's not my fuck boy." I said angrily. "Point is, you can't just sneak up on me, trap me inside a room and attack me!" I was breathing so hard.

"I did not attack you, you drama Queen." He gave me a bored expression. "Well, at least not yet." He muttered and that was when my eyes widened. "Calm down, although I do love the facial expressions I'm making you have this morning. It's just remaining one more I am yet to see."

"And what is that?" I rose my brow.

His eyes pondered on my face. "Frustration."

"And what would you call what I feel at the moment?! I am pinned to a damn wall like some portrait." I complained. I dreaded the emotions I was feeling at the moment. Never did I think for a moment that this would happen today...nor ever.

"Not that kind of frustration."

"Then what?" I blinked.

"Patience, you'll know soon enough." He said but that just motivated me to struggle myself out of his physical bondage.

My body aggressively moved as I did everything in my power to free myself from him but it was like I wasn't even trying. I instantly despised how strong and determined he was at holding me against my will.

I looked at how his eyes opened wide with fire in them, amused by my failed trial. His face everly so close to mine to the point if I wasn't careful with my movements, I might accidentally meet his lips. And I could not afford to make a fool out of myself. He'd probably disgrace me but moving back immediately.


But...But why was he staring at me like that and holding me so tight to his chest? Why was his breathing getting deep? And why was I getting lost staring into his eyes?

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