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I looked at my screen and saw it was Diana. I smirked at her message.

'Today's coronation day, crown princess.'

I replied back. 'You never cease in sending cringy messages.'

A few seconds after, she answered. 'Don't make me fly to the U.S to shove that crown on your head.' She sent another. 'We've already destroyed the bitch, now burn the remains.' She referred to Paisley Newman.

I decided to tease her. 'Isn't it like four pm in Paris? You should be resting after a long day of classes.' I hit send and waited for a reply after the message got seen but she didn't bother replying. She loved to snub me.

Today made it seven months since Diana and I's alliance was born. What was the aim of the alliance? To crush our enemies — Paisley Newman and Daniel Snow. The alliance was successful for Paisley but definitely not for Daniel. But Diana kept on saying the result would not show immediately.

I didn't believe shit.

She invited me to sit on her glorious table in the cafeteria that got nicknamed 'the table for the royals'. How annoyingly cringy could my school get with the unnecessary nicknames? I was literally a Falcon, but if I said that outside, I was probably going to get laughed at.

It was a protocol broken because the Eagles saw the Hawks as Students not up to their level so not a lot of Hawks were bold enough to talk to an Eagle. The only one I knew that did was Wes Argawal. And that was because Wes was a talkative so he always disturbed the Eagles during Football practice.

I sat by the side of her and Tiffany was not happy about that, unlike Ada that didn't give a fuck about my existence. But not to the point of disrespecting me.

Even though I was a common Hawk, I dined with the Eagles like they were my mates. Eventually, they became my mates due to Diana's influence. She presented me with the power to bend every boy on the Football team to their knees. Their girlfriends in Cheerleading followed. Wherever Diana went to, she dragged me along even though at the beginning I was being extra bitchy because I didn't trust her and she was still FUCKING Blue.

Even though we shared a complicated friendship till date, it didn't stop me from getting revenge on the former Queen. I spray painted her car to my favorite shade of blue the day she stayed in school till evening. Something about getting extra grades from a Teacher. I was able to get help from a follower of mine in the arts club. She helped me get the necessary equipments and I was able to take action.

She screamed when she saw the car as I hid in the bushes. Obviously the C.C.T.V caught it, but with my connection to the Tech Students assisting the security staffs, it was quite easy to erase the footage. So Diana could not publicly discipline the culprit, but she knew it was me that wrote the 'VISCOUNTESS OF WHORES'.

And I most definitely did not deny it when she approached me.

Diana flaunted me not just inside R.A.A but in parties as well that not just R.A.A students attended, but students of Hillsong High, and the rest. For Diana was not just Queen of R.A.A, her presence was know in all schools in L.A. Most especially the private ones.

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