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"So this is where you are."

Chloé flinched out of my arms and away from my lips with shock before gazing at the uninvited person that interrupted us. I watched as her eyes opened like a bottle of soda as she saw who stood there.


This should be interesting.

"You want something?" I spoke in the most nonchalant tone despite the fact someone just saw me kiss Chloé who was unfortunately shipped with André by everyone.

My Father stared at Chloé and that's when I instantly stepped in front of her. I heard her suck in oxygen with her mouth as she looked at David Snow with fear of him probably telling her Mother or the entire party.

A few seconds passed and his eyes were still on us before he finally spoke. "Let's go home." His face was expressionless as he turned on his heels and exited the entrance of the gazebo.


I truly was expecting the ride home to be filled with a bombarding of interrogations upon interrogations. Not because he cared but because the family's image came first above any other thing. But to my surprise, there was no questioning or any word uttered by his lips or mine. The ride home was mute.

Once we made our way into the house that I should address as home but I wouldn't. What is the need to lie? This house was not a home, neither did it look like home. As I ascended the stairs of the tower-like mansion, I smelled the house wreaking of silence and depression. All it held were dark memories orchestrated by no one other but my insolent Father called David Snow.

This place was worse whenever Mother was away in England acting while visiting Damon. And as a result, DJ's solution not to fall into insanity was to party hard at every of the parties thrown by R.A.A's students or neighboring schools. Although everyone saw him smiling and being so vibrant and social at school, he was a walking dead in the halls of this mansion. I couldn't remember the last time DJ and I had a proper conversation in this house or even at school because we subconsciously avoided each other like we were the Bubonic plague. It probably has been months.

"You're playing with fire."

My legs stopped climbing once his voice presented itself to my ears. He was referring to what his eyes saw in the gazebo at the party. "Have you ever seen when someone pours snow on a burning fire?" I rhetorically questioned him without turning back to face my Father. I chuckled. "The fire screams and then permanently shuts up. Forever. Too scared to utter a word again."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, Daniel. But just know, you are playing with fire. Whether you are too stubborn or ignorant to believe it, she is not yours."

My feet made a one eighty to look at him as I uttered my words slowly. "She has always been mine. The world has just..." I shrugged. "...hasn't been aware. Yet."



I was not one of those oblivious no brained girls in romance movies that don't realize they are being tailed by someone when walking in a dark alley. I could feel him. I could smell his scent in the air as I strolled down the ground floor of the Senior Block. I pretended I didn't know he was following me.

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