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"What do you want now? Another round?" I gazed at Diana as she strutted to me with confidence and lust in her eyes.

"Actually, yes." She stood by me as we were by the entrance of the hall that normally held the assemblies.

"If only R.A.A knew how horny their Queen gets, they'd be blown away." I whispered to her as students made their way in.

I was standing outside because I was waiting for Chloé to pass. I normally did this every morning so I'd see her face before I'd see her in class. Not like she would even say anything to me. Sometimes she glanced at me with anger in her eyes or resent. Yes, resent was more like it. But upon recently, she just stared at me with nothingness. Or she didn't even stare at me at all. Either she pretended I didn't exist or she didn't see I was right in front of her.

It hurt, not going to lie.

"Daniel, don't test me." She smiled as she talked through her teeth.

Students looked at us weirdly as they passed through. They probably wondered what Diana Thompson was doing with a Hawk.

"I'm in the mood to, Diana. Let me have some fun with the Queen, don't I have any right to?"

"You are the male version of a Mistress, Daniel Snow."

"Some Mistresses of Monarchs in history end up being ruling Consorts." I stopped leaning against the wall and faced her fully.

"So you want to be like Anne Boleyn and I Henry VIII?" She gazed at me with an amused expression.

"Precisely." I nodded then shoved my hands into my pockets after arranging my blazer. "Well, without the chopping of heads." I shrugged.

She was about to say something when she got interrupted by laughter. Both our heads turn to where the elevator was situated as Chloé and Alexis make their way through while laughing at God knows what.

I wished I was the one making her laugh.

Chloé and Alexis both noticed us and immediately, the laughter died down with a replacement of rigid faces. Especially Chloé's. I was expecting a confrontation since the whole 'me fucking Irene' but nothing. I didn't really blame her. But I certainly did not feel even a bit of sorry for her, she fucked Lombardi. Okay let me not lie, I did feel...something. But it didn't matter. Who knew? She may not have cared and probably punched Irene's face due to another reason.

"Chloé." Diana called upon her who was more than fucking ready to snub our entire existence.

She looked at Diana with a face that held no emotions. She wasn't angry, nor sad, nor happy.

"Love the pumps. How do you manage in five inches everyday?" Diana smiled.

"Sometimes six." Chloé folded her arms and looked at her squarely.

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