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doh! go check out little miss petty's spotify playlist to listen while reading❄️



After the Church wedding was done, the reception took place almost immediately and was held in the grand and majestic hall of the Lombardi's ancestral home. The decoration, the lights, the excessive amount of alcoholic wine — typical Italians, made everywhere filled with life. The married couple looked so happy after so many obstacles —including me, stopped them from being happy.

The performances of different artistes, to the food which I won't lie, was quite nice, showed that the Dalmontes and the Lombardies were more than ready to make a statement to the world with this marriage. Pride and joy were written all over not just their parents' faces, but even their grandparents. And as for their kid Tequila, she was definitely the definition of happiness as she ran around with her friends, making a ruckus.

Food moved in and out of the hall, causing so many delicious smells. I obviously didn't want a tummy ache, so I ate minimum of everything. Everything except from the pasta. I hated pasta with passion. There were so many food — most which I couldn't pronounce without biting my tongue, I was even surprised pizza wasn't served. The entire event was a traditional Italian wedding with a hint of class and money. I realized that although it was the Lombardies that handled the wedding, they still wanted to pay respect to Gabriella's half Hispanic heritage by bringing in some few Mexican dishes.

Gabriella was really lucky. She had a wonderful family, and now she was marrying into one and got a noble title to add to her name.

Lucky girl.

"You just had to wear white, didn't you?" A voice came to me and I looked up to see Gabriella in her beautiful puffy wedding dress that was definitely screaming controversial. I was giving the blogs till tomorrow afternoon to criticize it. I didn't really think she gave two shits. She shouldn't after-all, it was her wedding.

"You should be grateful I showed up in a pretty dress." I flipped my hair, giving her a nonchalant expression.

"I thought you said you wanted to give the Queen Bee crown back to Jake's controlling girlfriend — Tania."

"Meh, changed my mind." I shrugged as I stood up.

"You don't have to act like you're okay, you know?" She stepped closer.

"You don't have to be nice to me because you have pity on me, you know?" I shot a glare at her as everyone looked at us. I saw the gaze André gave her even though he was talking with Drake. He was really protective over her. And now that she was his wife, it meant double protection.

Who knew? Maybe even triple.


It was time for the throwing of the bride's bouquet, and all the single ladies rushed out as she stood in front of them.

"Kylie no!" I whisper-yelled as she dragged me out of my seat.

"Nope! I'm not hearing anything. Come out, I need little nieces and nephews, so you need to get married." She damned the fact that I just got out of an engagement that was still having a toll on me.

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