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Was I supposed to cry?

I'm genuinely asking you 'cause I didn't know what to do at that moment. Well, considering I was on the floor, I should probably stand up and run for practice. Yeah, I—I should do that. So I did as my mind directed.

Despite the fact that I was already dying instead due to the fuck up I made between Blue and I, the universe saw it fit to make everyone I passed gawk at me as I headed to wear the girls were. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I told the team and they instantly snapped out of the trance they were in. They muttered apologies as Irene came to me. I interrupted her practice.

"You ready?" Irene asked. I could see it in her eyes that she was more than ready to continue on my behalf.

I heaved a sigh. I was gradually getting soft on her, I could feel it. "Take over for the day." I said and she instantly squealed like a baby. This was the first time since the day I forgave her that I saw her genuinely happy. She was on the verge of hugging me but refrained herself back from doing so. "When you're done shrieking, you'll tell me why on earth is everyone staring at me like they just watched me commit broad daylight murder." I pulled her away from everyone and I saw how her face turned timid again.

"W—Well. I don't know how you're gonna take it, and I swear I didn't look at it!"

"At WHAT?" My curiosity increased.

"Well, everyone all saw Snow enter the girl's locker room without even bothering to sneak in. And all the girls knew that you were the only one remaining."

Oh Great.

"Continue..." I folded my arms.

"S—So. The 'it' I am referring to is...well...everyone, including the  Football Players saw him coming out with a furious look. Everyone was shocked because they had never seen Daniel Snow angry before. On top of that, he had a boner. A VISIBLE one."

I was tongue tied.

"Tania with some other girls were saying you probably stopped him from having....you know, with you and that's why he was mad." She said hesitantly. "Did you?"

"Irene Blake." I warned.

"I'm sorry." She instantly bent her head in shame as she took a step back.

I sighed frustratedly. "Well...technically." I huffed.

Her face rose up with shock that I answered her question. I was giving this girl too much hope on us becoming close again. "Can I...say something?"

"What now?" I rolled my eyes.

"I...I know you still hate me and...things are probably never going to be like before. But you should know that for the past how many years since the two of you separated, Alexis and I have been number one witnesses of your sadness. You haven't been like the happy girl from Kindergarten that drew crazy shoes." She remembers that? "But since...Daniel came back, we've noticed how peaceful and happy you have been."

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